• hafnium
  • 一种金属元素,符号Hf,熔点高,与锆共存。用作X射线管的阴极,铪和钨或钼的合金用作高压放电管的电极。

  • 〔~匝〕周匝,环绕,如“紫帷~~,翠屏环合”。

  • (鉿)

  1. X射线荧光光谱法测定矿物及试剂中氧化锆和氧化铪

    Determination of zirconium oxide and hafnium oxide in mineral and reagent by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

  2. 铪的新同位素:~(186)Hf

    A New Isotope of Hafnium : ~ ( 186 ) Hf

  3. P(350)反相色层分离岩石中痕量锆和铪及其测定

    Separation of Traces of Zr and Hf in Ores by Reverse-Phase Chromatography with p-350 and Its Determination

  4. 激光铪等离子体发射的0.41~0.50nm范围的X射线光谱的结构

    X-ray spectra from laser produced highly ionized hafnium plasmas in the 0 . 41 ~ 0 . 50 um range

  5. ICP-AES法同时测定矿样中锆铪

    Joint determination of zirconium and hafnium in ore samples by ICP-AES

  6. 阴离子交换法分离铪(IV)中锆(IV)的研究

    Anion Exchange Separation of Zirconium and Hafnium

  7. 钼、铪上复碳后次级发射系数降为δ(max)(?)0.7;

    The maximum secondary emission coefficient of carbon coated Mo or Hf is about 0.7 ;

  8. N2和NH3退火对铪铝氧栅介质C-V特性的影响

    Study on C-V Characterization of Hafnium Aluminate Gate Dielectric Annealed in N_2 and NH_3

  9. Hf(Ⅳ)-槲皮素-EDTA多元配合荧光反应用于铪的测定

    Application of the fluorimetric reaction system of hf (ⅳ) - quercetin-edta to the determination of hafnium

  10. 锆铪的ICP-AES分析方法研究及应用

    Study on Analytical Method of ICP-AES for Zirconium and hafnium and Its ' Application

  11. 取代环戊二烯钛、锆、铪络合物的XPS及其价带谱研究

    XPS and Their Valence Band Spectra Studies of the substituted Titanocene , Zirconocene and Hafnocene Dichloride Complexes

  12. 在局域热动平衡条件下,用MonteCarlo模型模拟Hf等离子体复杂光谱的部分光谱:类钇铪的光谱。

    Under local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions ( LTE ), the Monte-Carlo model is used to calculate a plot of the spectra of Y-like Hf in Hf plasmas .

  13. 二氧化铪(HfO2)纳米晶态薄膜的自组装制备

    Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Hafnium Oxide Thin Film by Self-Assembled Monolayer Method

  14. 借助扩展电阻探针(SRP)技术考察了退火前后薄膜的电学性能,证明在SOI材料上制备的多晶氧化铪薄膜同样具有较好的电介质绝缘性能。

    In the end , spreading resistance profiles ( SRP ) showed excellent dielectric properties for hafnium oxide films whenever amorphous or polycrystalline .

  15. 简要评述了用甲基异丁基酮(MIBK)萃取分离锆铪方法的基本原理、分离工艺和条件、萃取设备。

    The extraction separation process for zirconium and hafnium with MIBK was briefly reviewed in this paper .

  16. 向对二甲苯(PX)催化氧化体系加入锆铪离子可有效地加速该反应过程。

    P-Xylene liquid phase oxidation would be accelerated by the addition of zirconium or hafnium ions to the Co / Mn / Br catalyst system .

  17. 不同氧氩比例对氧化铪(HfO2)薄膜的结构及性能的影响

    Influence of O_2 / Ar Ratio on Microstructures and Properties of Hafnium Dioxide Films

  18. 在DZ22合金中加入铪,使元素的偏析减少,而且改变了Ti,W,Nb,Cr在各相中的相对含量。

    Hf-addition in alloy DZ_22 reduces the dendrite segregation of other elements and alters the relative content of alloying elements Ti , W , Nb and Cr in various phases .

  19. MIBK双溶剂萃取法制备原子能级氧化锆和氧化铪的工艺设计

    The Craft of the MIBK Solvent Pairs Separation System Produces the Atomic Energy Level Zirconium Oxide and the Oxidized Hafnium

  20. 捕虏体麻粒岩锆石U-Pb年龄和铪同位素:华北地块下地壳的形成与再造

    The U-Pb Dating Ages and Hf Isotopic Compositions of Zircon from Various Granulitic Xenoliths : The Formation and Reworking of the Lower Crust Beneath the North China

  21. 采用低功函数低电阻率的氮化铪薄膜作为氧化锌(ZnO)薄膜晶体管的电极,可以保证与有源层形成欧姆接触并获得较低的接触电阻。

    If adapting Hf-N thin films with low work function and low electrical resistivity as source / drain electrodes in ZnO TFTs , the active layer ZnO and Hf-N could form ohm type contact , so as to obtain low contact resistivity .

  22. 采用本文方法及MC模拟算法分析了一榀三层铪框架侧向变形能力弹塑性时变可靠度,结果表明了本文方法的合理性与有效性。

    As an example , the time-dependent reliability of lateral deformation capacity for a three-storey frame under strong earthquake is analysed by this method and Monte Carlo method . The result expresses the rationality and effectiveness of the method .

  23. 氧化铪(HfO2)具有优良的物理、化学性能,抗高温氧化能力强,可用作金刚石抗氧化保护涂层。

    Hafnium oxide ( HfO_2 ) is a promising anti-oxidation material with good physical , chemical properties and good anti-oxidation property .

  24. P507萃取分离-二甲酚橙光度法测定锆铪超临界萃取啤酒花浸膏及其萃余物中多酚化合物提取的研究

    Extraction Separation and Spectrophotometric Determination of Zirconium and Hafnium Study on Improved Utilization of Hop Polyphenols with Supercritical CO_2 Extraction

  25. 氧化铪烧结行为研究Raney-Cu催化剂的烧结行为


  26. 对Zr,Hf,Y的多金属氧酸盐研究较少,新化合物的合成可以获得锆、铪和钇与多金属氧酸盐结合方式的信息,并为新材料研究提供新物质。

    Researches based on polyoxometalates combining with Zr , Hf , Y are less and information about combination between polyoxometalates and zirconium , hafnium and yttrium which can provide new matter for study on new materials can obtained by the synthesis of new compounds .

  27. 铪含量对定向凝固高温合金DZ22偏析行为和力学性能的影响

    Influence of HF content on segregation behavior and mechanical properties of directionally solidified superalloy DZ 22

  28. 本文论述丙烯聚合催化剂发展多相Z-N型经历三代,均相有钛、锆、铪和钒等系。

    The Catalyst of Poly-Propylene had been stated , there were three generation of heterogeneous Z-N , but homogeneous included Titanium , Zirconocene , Hafnium and Vanadium .

  29. O-Ti、O-Hf之间存在强烈杂化,这是掺铪钛酸钡铁电性形成的原因。

    There is strong hybridization between O-Ti and O-Hf , which is the cause of formation of ferroelectricity .

  30. 指出,MIBK在硫氰酸体系中萃取分离锆铪分离效果好,技术成熟,可进行规模生产。

    It was pointed out that the MIBK in thiocyanic acid system for separating zirconium and hafnium was effective and with complete technology , it can be used in production on a large scale .