
  • 网络tropical monsoon climate;tropical monsson climate
  1. 越南地处北回归线以南,高温多雨,属热带季风气候;每年平均有六次台风袭击越南沿海地区。

    Having hot and rainy tropical monsoon climate , Vietnam is located in the south of the Tropic of Cancer . There are six typhoons annually in coastal areas in Vietnam .

  2. 南亚次大陆、印度半岛位于赤道以北,北回归线以南,属热带季风气候区和热带森林气候区。

    The South Asian subcontinent , the Indian peninsula is located north of the equator , south of the Tropic of Cancer , has a tropical monsoon climate of tropical forest areas and climatic zones .

  3. 越南北部属热带季风气候,受东南亚季风影响明显,雨量充沛,气温高,植被发育。

    Northern Vietnam is controlled by a humid tropical climate which is heavily influenced by Southeast Asia monsoon , and characterized by rich rainfall and high temperature .

  4. 可以认为,西双版纳地区降雨既有热带季风气候的特征,也有其自身的特点,由此带来的森林水文生态效应值得探讨。

    As a result , the rainfall in Xishuangbanna have the not only characteristics of tropical monsoon climate , but also its own traits , so it is necessary to research on eco-hydrological effect in local forest ecosystem due to the input of rainfall .

  5. 山地雨林是热带北缘季风气候的地带性森林类型。

    Montane rain forest is a zonal forest type in the northern tropical monsoon climate .

  6. 海南地处热带,属于热带季风气候,水域资源辽阔,全年暖热,雨量充沛,藻种繁多,气候条件适宜藻类生长。

    Hainan is located in the tropics , a tropical monsoon climate , the vast water resources , the annual warmed , abundant rainfall , the algae is so much variety , climatic conditions suitable for algal growth .