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  • 网络decoct;brew;docoction
  1. 西药组42例,常规西医治疗并配合丹参30g煎汤保留灌肠;

    The western medicine group of 42 cases were treated with routine western medicine combined with retention enteroclysis of 30 g Danshen ( Red Sage Root ) decoction ;

  2. 鳖甲煎汤抗肝纤维化的血清学研究

    Serological Studies on Biejia Jian Decoction in Counteracting Hepatic Fibrosis

  3. 鳖甲煎汤抗大鼠肝纤维化作用

    Effect of Biejia Jian in Preventing Rat Hepatic Fibrosis

  4. 当归补血汤总苷抗大鼠肺纤维化的实验研究鳖甲煎汤治疗乙肝后肝纤维化的临床研究

    Experimental Study on Pulmonary Fibrosis Treated with Total Glucosides of Danggui Buxue Decoction in Rats

  5. A组给予中药煎汤另服华法林钠,使血浆凝血酶原时间保持在正常的15倍左右;

    Group A was given herbal medicine soup together with Warfarin Sodium Tablets , keeping plasma thrombinogen time at 1.5 times as normal .

  6. “若发了病时,拿出来吃一丸,用十二分黄柏煎汤送下”蜜丸制剂六味地黄丸中氯霉素残留的分析研究

    " When the illness comes on , this jar can be dug up and one pill taken with twelve candareens of a phellodendron concoction . " The Analytical Study on Chloramphenicol Residues in Honeyed Pill Liuwei Dihuang Wan

  7. 目的:测定大鼠灌胃给予茵陈蒿单煎液与茵陈蒿汤后,茵陈蒿中药效物质成分6,7二甲氧基香豆素的血药浓度,研究其药物动力学行为。

    Objective : To study the plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetic parameters of 6,7 dimethoxycoumarin after oral administration of Herba Artemisiae Scopariae decoction and Yinchenhao decoction .