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bù tóu
  • oddments;odd bits of cloth;leftover of a bolt of cloth;remnant;leftover of bolt of cloth;fag end;neadend
布头 [bù tóu]
  • (1) [odd bits of cloth;leftover of a bolt of cloth]

  • (2) 成匹的布上剪剩下来的不成整料的部分(多在五六尺以内)

  • (3) 剪裁后剩下的零碎布块儿

布头[bù tóu]
  1. BarstoolSports第一个指出新封面中棕色眼模特戴着美国国旗布海加布头罩(穆斯林妇女头罩),国旗下露出了有点超过界限的乳晕。

    The new cover , first pointed out by Barstool Sports , features a brown-eyed model with an American flag fashioned as a hijab , a headscarf that many Muslim women wear . Peeping out from beneath is a bit more than an outline of the model 's breast .

  2. 她用碎布头做了个靠垫。

    She made a cushion out of odd bits of material .

  3. 这块布头足够做一条裙子。

    This end of cloth is enough for a skirt .

  4. 纸片、布头、木屑地板是用锯屑铺成的酒吧间。

    A saloon whose floor is covered with sawdust .

  5. 而且制作起来非常简单,只需要一些布头,纸板和辅件就可以了。

    These are quite easy to make and use just fabric scraps , paperboard and some accessories .

  6. 裁缝用剩余的布头给孩子做了一套衣服。

    The tailor made a suit for the boy out of the odds and ends of the cloth .

  7. 他面无血色,手里拿着一块怪味浓重的布头。

    His face was drained of color , and he carried a strange , strong smelling rag in his hand .

  8. 妈妈把零碎布头拼成一幅桌布。妈妈,妈妈,有一只老鹰。

    Mother pieced together odds and ends of cloth and made a tablecloth . Mommy , Mommy , an eagle .

  9. 剪一块15英寸长的碎布头,像系鞋带那样系成蝴蝶结的形状。

    Finish off with the bow tie by cutting a15 inch scrap fabric and tie this in a shoe string bow .

  10. 被子是用碎布缀合的。妈妈把零碎布头拼成一幅桌布。

    Quilts are pieced with scraps of cloth . Mother pieced together odds and ends of cloth and made a tablecloth .

  11. 象是一本书,写在布条子上的。这块布头足够做一条裙子。

    " A sort of book , written upon strips of cloth . " This end of cloth is enough for a skirt .

  12. 这类交易始于19世纪,当时的猎人将猎物带回,交给室潢商,装潢商再将动物的皮革缝起,并将之填满布头。

    The trade began in the 1800s when hunters brought animals to upholsterers who would sew their skins and stuff them with rags .

  13. 该拖把布头在不用水来清洗的状态下进行拖擦,而拖布头永远是干湿的。

    The mop head of the mop can be used for wiping in the state of not being cleaned by water and can be kept half wet forever ;

  14. 这里报告的计算结果包括涂布头流体动力学参数的描述以及它们的分布情况;涂布过程的操作条件对这些参数的影响规律。

    The results reported include the characteristics of flow dynamics parameters and their distributions in the coating pond , the effects of operation conditions on the flow parameters .

  15. 她很擅长缝连补缀,一旦买不起新家什,她便扯些蓝布头,自裁自缝出个布套子把旧家什装扮上。

    She pretty good with the sewing machine . Anything she can 't buy new of , she just get her some blue material and sew it a cover .

  16. 这件百衲衣由各种各样的碎布头制成,虽然不乏精美的丝绸和天鹅绒,可是这些拼凑的碎片始终不能令人满意。

    This patchwork was made of all sorts of odds and ends - pretty bits of silk and velvet ; but the coarse pieces that were not pleasant to touch always predominated .