
  1. 如果教师没有疏忽照顾学生,这意外便不会发生。

    The accident would not have happened if the teacher had not been negligent in looking after the students .

  2. 雇佣一名保安人员或志愿工作者在休息时间保护和照顾学生。

    To hire a security or volunteer worker to stay in playground and look after children when it is break time .

  3. 实行4天周制度的根本原因是照顾学生的学习、工作和家庭三个方面的平衡。

    The rationale for the four-day week system is to attend to the needs of the student clientele in balancing their study , work and family commitments .

  4. 然而它还远非完美,存在一些缺陷和不足,在照顾学生个别差异、实施因材施教方面时而显得力不从心。

    Yet it is far from perfect , there are some defects and deficiencies , and sometimes it appeared to be inadequate to cater for individual differences , the implementation of individualized .

  5. 校本课程有以下目的:确保国家课程的有效实施,照顾学生的个别差异,促进教师专业能力的持续发展。

    School-based curriculum plays the following functions ; to ensure the effective implementation of the national curriculum , meet students ' diversified needs , and promote the sustainable improvement of teachers ' professional capacity .

  6. 在这报告书中,希望高中课程需要照顾学生的不同兴趣、需要和能力,创设一个富有弹性、连贯及多元化的高中课程。

    In this report , it hope that the senior high school education should provide a elastic , coherent and diversified curriculum to take care of the students who have different interests , needs and ability .

  7. 这样的话,学校就有了,能照顾学生的能力,比如说,就可以有存放药物的冰箱,但这并不是结束。

    So the school for example , can have even shapes and thereby keep the students And the begun , for example , have a fridge which can store medicines , and But it 's not the end .

  8. 自从被引进学校教育以来,因其针对不同层次学生的特点、照顾学生之问的差异,分层教学为许多学校所采用,同时也已成为当代中国教育教学所关注的热点问题之一。

    As a teaching model which takes into consideration features of different layers and diversities of students , layering teaching was adopted by numerous schools since it was introduced . It has become one of the hot issues of modern education in China .

  9. 一个班级中,学生的个体差异是客观存在的,高中生物教学中,如何照顾学生的个体差异,使全体学生都能在原有基础上得到最大限度的发展?

    Individual differences between students in one class have been proved to be truly existing . How to take into account , when teaching biology for senior highs , students ' different levels and help each student get fully developed is a big question to answer .

  10. 哦,我们这儿为许多学生提供餐饮,这样的话,我们不能每一次都照顾各个学生的要求。

    Oh , we do feed a lot of students , so we can 't always honor individual requests .

  11. 与此同时,根据不同学生的不同需求,安排不同的训练内容,这样可以满足不同学生的需求,也照顾了学生的个体差异。

    At the same time according to the different needs of different students arrange different training content , it can satisfy the different needs of students also take care of students ' individual differences .

  12. 例如,在环式自学自育法学习模式的实施中很难做到每节课所设计的学习内容都能够引起学生的学习兴趣,有时很难照顾到学生个体之间的差异。

    For example , in the Loop Self-Study Self-Cultivate teaching mode it is very hard to stimulate the study interests in every class , and sometimes it is hard to pay attention to individual differences between students .

  13. 一方面,他们有责任照顾他们的学生健康以及专业的教育工作者。

    On the one hand , they have the responsibility to take care of their students ' health as professional educators .

  14. 也照顾到每个学生的饮食喜好,每个人都得到鼓励与他人分享自己最爱的食物。

    Students'personal food preferences are included in menu planning and everyone is encouraged to share favorite foods with the other students .

  15. 这项加分政策的初衷是遴选在某一方面有特殊才能的学生,以及照顾少数民族学生。

    The policy for extra marks was originally designed to select candidates with talent in a particular field , and also to take better care of students from some ethnic minority groups .

  16. 分配给我的工作是照顾新来的学生。

    I 've been assigned the job of looking after the new students .

  17. 我梦想的职业是做一名老师,在我的能力范围之内去教导去照顾每一名学生。

    My dreamy job is being a teacher to teach and to take care of every student within the scope of my ability .

  18. 当红色或黑色暴雨警告生效时,学校应采取应变措施,确保校舍开放,同时照顾已返校的学生直至放学。

    When the red or black rainstorm warning is issued , schools should keep their premises open and implement contingency measures to look after arriving students until the end of school hours .