
liǎnɡ zhānɡ pí
  • two skins—two related matters or aspects becoming disjointed and uncoordinated
  1. 不要把教学与科研分割开来,搞成两张皮。

    Teaching and research should not be separated , as if they were unrelated .

  2. 一年来,苏联围绕经济核算制与林业、森工两张皮的问题仍在热烈争论。

    Enthusiastic discussions were st-ill going on in the period of1988-1989 about the economic accounting sys-tem and about the twofold system of forestry and forest industry .

  3. 然而重庆市新型工业化和城镇化进程中却出现了一热一冷两张皮现象。

    However , new style industrialization and urbanization of Chongqing are separated .

  4. 一牛身上不能剥两张皮。

    You can 't get two hides from one ox.

  5. 通识教育思想的确立为文化素质教育的落实提供了政策保障,通识教育解决了文化素质教育与教学计划、课程设计两张皮的问题。

    The quality education , education planning and curricula designing were not merged together .

  6. 它们根本未能化合,仍是两张皮。

    They are not combined at all .

  7. 文论家与语言学家历来缺乏对诗歌语言形态的合力研究,形成两张皮现象:文论家很少有深入研究诗语奥秘的愿望和自觉,语言学家很少关注文学作品的语言艺术。

    Literary criticism and linguistic scholars do not together study the art and forms of poetic language .

  8. 素质教育和专业教学改革必须紧密结合,不能形成两张皮。

    The quality education and the speciality teaching reformation are combined tightly , and can 't be separated .

  9. “两张皮”不能使《政治经济学》成为一门真正的科学,也无法正确对待和发展马克思主义经济理论。

    This structure may not help to making it a true science and adopting a correct attitude towards marxist economic theories .

  10. 社会主义革命是革后两张皮:民族资本主义所有制和小生产者所有制。

    The last two skins , namely , national capitalist and small producer ownership , were targets of the socialist revolution .

  11. 《政治经济学》两张皮的格局反映了人们对其职能认识的偏差;

    Two pieces of skins , the structure of economics reflects some people 's deviation in recognizing the functions of economics .

  12. 高校学生道德教育管理存在的主要问题是重视科技教育,忽视品德教育,两张皮现象泛化;

    The administration of moral education in colleges and universities sees the following problems : emphasizing science education , neglecting moral education ;

  13. 然而,目前的档案学研究和实践之间存在一定程度的两张皮现象。

    However , there is phenomenon of " two pieces of skin " between the present research of archival administration program and practice .

  14. 以往的经验表明,我国水电开发与区域经济发展存在条块分割的两张皮现象。

    According to our country ' experience , there is a " two sheet skin " phenomena between hydroelectric exploitation and area economic development .

  15. 如何解决幼教领域理论上“重视”游戏,实践中“轻视”游戏“两张皮”的怪现象,仍然是一个老大难的问题。

    How to deal with the problem in the area of theory higher its value while practice lower its value is still a great problem .

  16. 主要表现为文化素质教育似乎只是教学计划之外附加的一些东西,甚至成为课外活动的代名词,文化素质教育与教学计划、课程设计没有融合在一起,两张皮现象十分严重。

    To be concrete , the quality education was treated as an additional part to the curricula plan , even becoming a synonym of extra-curricula activities .

  17. 我国创办高新区的真实目的,是为了解决长期以来科技和经济两张皮的问题。

    Our country establish the Hi-Tech zone in order to solve the science and technology and " two skin " problem of the economy for a long time .

  18. 本文以经验材料为基础,分析了村民自治背景下在部分农村出现的党支部和村委会之间的两张皮现象。

    Based on empirical data , this thesis analyzes the dichotomy between the villager 's committee and the party branch in some villages in the background of villagers ' autonomy .

  19. 公诉机制庭前运行的制度层面与司法实践的运作存在着一定的差异,出现了文本中的法与实践中的法两张皮的现象。

    Due to the differences between the public prosecution mechanism on Court and judicial administration , there exist the phenomenon of " written law " and " practical law " .

  20. 科研力量在企业与科研院所之间的分配不均,导致了我国生产与科技两张皮现象的出现。

    At the same time , the misdistribution of scientific research strength between the enterprises and the research institutes cause the phenomenon of production and technology " two skins " .

  21. 从对两张皮现象的重新分析出发,认为外国语言学研究的最终目标应该为中国的语言建设服务;

    From a re-analysis of the " two-skin " phenomenon , the paper argues that the ultimate aim of studying foreign theories of linguistics should be to help develop Chinese linguistics .

  22. 目前我国不少高新园区与周边乡镇由于发展水平、发展目标、管理体制等方面存在着显著差异,两张皮的现象相当突出,不同程度地影响着两者的发展进程。

    At present as high-tech zones with their nearby towns have obvious differences such as development level , goals and administration systems , the situation of separation is very prominent and it affects the development courses of high-tech zones and towns respectively .

  23. 二是国家应尽快研究和制定我国信息化发展的规划和工作方案,改变政府管理信息化、社会信息服务和企业信息化两张皮现象;

    The government must study and formulate a plan and working project as quickly as possible in order to eliminate the phenomenon of " two pieces of skin " that is government administration of the informationalization , the information service and the enterprise informationalization ;

  24. 增强德育的实效性,必须建立健全德育一体化管理模式,克服德育教与管两分离两张皮的倾向;

    To improve the practicability of moral education , a sound moral education management system must be established to overcome the tendency of the separation of teaching and supervision in education .