
xì zé
  • by-laws;detailed rules and regulations
细则 [xì zé]
  • [detailed rules and regulations] 有关规章制度、措施、方法等的详细的规则

细则[xì zé]
  1. 按照全国人体寄生虫分布调查实施细则调查了2574人,寄生虫感染率为86.2%。

    According to the detailed rules and regulations of investigations on the human parasitic distribution of the whole country , 2574 persons were investigated . The parasitic infectious rate was 86.2 % .

  2. 特种劳动防护用品安全标志实施细则

    Detailed Rules and Regulations on Safety Signs of Special Labor Protection Articles

  3. 他们的律师花了好几天时间辩论诉讼程序细则。

    Their lawyers spent days arguing over technical details .

  4. 令人担忧的是,这项计划中有关如何削减开支的细则很少。

    Worryingly , the plan contains few details on how spending will be cut .

  5. 根据诉讼程序上的一个细则,她获释了。

    She was released on a technicality .

  6. 由于诉讼程序上的一个技术细则,原先的判决被推翻了。

    The earlier verdict was overturned on a legal technicality .

  7. 联合国已经制定了有关投票资格的标准细则。

    The UN has established detailed criteria for who should be allowed to vote

  8. 建议阅读家庭财产和汽车保险单中的附属细则。

    You are advised to read the small print of household and motor insurance policies .

  9. 您可以在15天的免费体验期内仔细审核保单细则。

    You can review your policy in detail for a full 15 days without obligation .

  10. 正式任命时,你会拿到一份关于雇用细则的书面声明。

    On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars of employment

  11. 请阅读合同中的附属细则,以便弄清您究竟参保的是哪一种。

    Read the small print in your contract to find out exactly what you are insured for .

  12. 这可能是巴顿的管理人员研读他的合同细则的好时机。

    This might be a good time for Button 's management to study the fine print of his contract .

  13. 我正在看附属细则,我可不想签署任何不应该签署的东西。

    I 'm looking at the small print ; I don 't want to sign anything that I shouldn 't sign

  14. 许多州都已经针对《资源保护和恢复法》和《综合性环境反应、赔偿与责任法案》制定了他们各自的实施细则

    Many states have enacted their own counterparts to RCRA and CERCLA .

  15. 讲述了欧共体实施的EMC(电磁兼容)标准的技术细则。

    The technical rules of European Community EMC standard was introduced .

  16. 本书面实施细则内容所包括的无损检验方法(NDT)适用于,附件中各纲要中列举的过程、规范和程序。

    The NDT methods contained within this Written Practice are applicable to the processes , specifications and procedures listed under each syllabus in the appendices .

  17. 1月5日,国家外汇管理局(SAFE)发布了《个人外汇管理办法实施细则》,规定从2月1日起,个人外汇结算和购汇限额为5万美元。

    On January 5 , the State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued detailed rules for administering individual foreign exchange transactions , prescribing an annual quota of $ 50,000 for both individual settlement of foreign exchange and individual purchases of foreign exchange from February 1 .

  18. 《著作权法》、《商标法》,以及涵益《TRIPS协定》不同领域的有关实施细则的修改,也将在中国加入时完成。

    The amendments to the Copyright Law and the Trademark Law , as well as relevant implementing rules covering different areas of the TRIPS Agreement , would also be accomplished upon China 's accession .

  19. 然后,结合M银行C省级分行的具体实例来引入平衡计分卡绩效评价体系建设,确定最终绩效考评指标和评分细则,论证了平衡计分卡在商业银行实施的可行性与适应性。

    Then , with M the provincial branch of Bank C to introduce concrete examples of the Balanced Scorecard performance evaluation system to determine the final performance evaluation indicators and scoring rules , demonstrates the implementation of Balanced Scorecard in the feasibility of commercial banks and adaptability .

  20. 腾讯同时表示,如果付费QQ用户因不接受新条款而无法获得QQ相应服务的话,腾讯将很快出台补偿细则。

    A compensation plan will be issued to reimburse paid QQ users who do not want to give up360 and so cannot use the QQ services they have already paid for .

  21. cftc目前预计,规范衍生品结算的细则有望于明年初完成,而针对所谓“互换执行系统”(swapexecutionfacility)互换交易的细则也将于2012年晚些时候出炉。

    The CFTC is now hopeful that rules for the clearing of derivatives will be finalised early next year , followed by rules governing the trading of swaps on so-called swap execution facilities later in 2012 .

  22. 《上海证券报》获悉,RQFII境内证券投资管理办法及操作细则最快下月出台。

    The RQFII domestic securities investment administrative measures and operating rules will possibly be promulgated next month , Shanghai Securities News reported .

  23. 英国政府希望,紧接着全球领导人将在6月份的g20峰会上达成一项原则协议,但具体实施和实施细则可能要经过比较长的时间才能达成一致。

    Downing st hopes an agreement in principle can then be agreed by world leaders at the G20 summit in June , although the implementation of the levy and the detail of how it would work could take longer to agree .

  24. 作为TRIPS协定的成员国,我国在借鉴其规定的基础上已初步形成了《专利法》、《专利法实施细则》和《专利实施强制许可办法》为主的专利强制许可制度体系。

    As a member of the TRIPS agreement , In reference to the regulations in our country has initially formed on the basis of the patent law and the implementing rules for the patent law and the measures for patent compulsory license of patent compulsory license system .

  25. 游戏开发人员借鉴了多份教学标准文件和细则,伊利诺伊州在全美率先推出政府SEL标准,以及SEL领域的先驱努埃瓦学校(NuevaSchool)自然是他们率先学习的对象。

    The game developers draw from several documents and specs regarding teaching standards , beginning with the state of Illinois , which introduced the first-ever government sel standards , and the Nueva school , pioneers in the SEL field .

  26. 另外,ATLMIC测试语言的本地化方法使国内用户可以方便的编写测试细则。

    On the other hand , the ATLMIC test language is convenient for national users on local language modality .

  27. ZUJI全权保留随时修改本推广的细则及条款而不作任何事先通知的权利。

    ZUJI in its sole discretion , reserves the right to modify the rules and terms of this promotion from time to time and without prior notice .

  28. 资料与方法:以检索到的6个国内随机对照试验的Meta分析报告为研究样本,以Sacks等提出的Meta分析质量评价方法为基础,对评分细则稍加调整,作为评价标准。

    Materials and Method : Six meta-analysis reports of internal randomized controlled trials obtained by exploration were served as samples , the quality evaluation method for meta-analysis posed by Sacks et al was served as a foundation , the detail giving a mark was served as a evaluating standard .

  29. 他们一直在争取放宽《萨班斯-奥克斯利法》(sarbanes-oxley)的某些规定;改革美国会计文化,提倡使用广泛的会计准则而非细则规定;约束对企业不当行为的诉讼;以及整合零散的监管结构。

    They have been pushing for a relaxation of certain Sarbanes-Oxley provisions ; changes in the US accounting culture that would favour the use of broad principles over detailed prescriptions ; constraints on lawsuits for corporate malfeasance ; and consolidation of the fragmented regulatory structure .

  30. 目前,YL炼油厂中层管理人员现行的绩效考核体系存在绩效考核细则不够完整,企业内部对绩效考核标准缺乏统一认识,绩效反馈与面谈存在缺陷,兑现与结果脱节等问题。

    Through in-depth research , YL refinery middle management of the existing performance appraisal system is incomplete performance appraisal rules , internal lack of a unified understanding of performance appraisal standards , performance feedback and interviews flawed , cash out of line with the results of other issues .