
  1. 总之,要照辩证法办事。

    In a word , we must act in accordance with dialectics .

  2. 他不愧为全党照辩证法办事的典范,堪称一代辩证法的大师。

    He is a model for whole party and a master of dialectics .

  3. 呈送作为证物的照片总之,要照辩证法办事。

    Submitted the photograph in evidence . In a word , we must act in accordance with dialectics .

  4. 我看,全党都要学习辩证法,提倡照辩证法办事。

    In my opinion , the whole Party should study dialectics and advocate acting in accordance with dialectics .

  5. 外侨居留证或护照等身分证明文件办理。我看,全党都要学习辩证法,提倡照辩证法办事。

    He / she shall present his / her Alien Resident Certificate , passport or other forms of identification . In my opinion , the whole Party should study dialectics and advocate acting in accordance with dialectics .