
  • 网络crime of causing an explosion
  1. 他被从爱尔兰共和国引渡到英国,面临爆炸罪的指控。

    He was extradited to Britain from the Irish Republic to face explosives charges

  2. 在我国,以危险方法危害公共安全罪与爆炸罪等罪名处于同等地位,但是却没有受到同等重视。

    In our country , crime of endangering public security by dangerous means is as important as crime of causing explosion , but many people ignore it .

  3. 抢劫枪支、弹药、爆炸物罪若干疑难问题探究

    Study on Several Problems about Crimes of Hijacking Gun , Ammunition And Exploder

  4. 三年前被判持有爆炸物罪。

    Of explosives possession three years ago .

  5. 1997年麦克维被指控犯有与爆炸有关的谋杀罪并被宣判死刑。

    In June 1997 McVeigh was found guilty of murder in connection with the bombing and sentenced to death .

  6. 《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》所附的《枪支弹药议定书》以及世界各国和地区的刑法在妨害枪支、弹药、爆炸物管理秩序罪的立法上存在许多可借鉴的经验。

    Many can learn from the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime , annexed to the Protocol on guns and ammunition and the legislation experiences in this kind of crimes of other countries and regions of the world .