
  • 网络Climbing ice;ice climbing
  1. 当民警,爬冰卧雪,撇家舍业,为警清廉;

    When the police , climbing ice lying snow , the write-home care industry , for the police clean ;

  2. 窗格子显得宽了些,玻璃上爬满了冰纹,看起来黯淡而神秘,使家里变得更加温馨舒适。

    the broadened sash and frosted panes admit a dim and private light , which enhances the snug cheer within .

  3. 窗根上像铺了柔软的棉花或羽域:窗格子显得宽了些,玻璃上爬满了冰纹,看起来黯淡而神秘。

    The snow lies warm as cotton or down upon the window sill ; the broadened sash and frosted panes admit a dim and private light , which enhances the snug cheer within .

  4. 那个和其他石人不一样的人,他本身是个雕塑知道一个灰色的女人从雾中爬出用冰一样寒冷的嘴唇亲吻了他。

    The one that says he 's not like t'other stone men , that he started as a statue till a grey woman came out of the fog and kissed him with lips as cold as ice .

  5. 他们往上爬时得在冰上凿出踏脚处。

    They have to cut step in the ice as they climb .