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  1. 到了那个时候,尽管仍然爱吃鱼,却不一定有人再送上门来。

    At that time , although he still loves fish , maybe there will be no one to bring him fish .

  2. 鲁国宰相公仪休非常爱吃鱼,得知他这一嗜好的鲁国人纷纷拎着鱼,送到他家来。

    Gong Yixiu , the prime minister of the state of Lu , was very foud of fish . The people of Lu who knew his addiction1 all came to his home bringing him fish .

  3. 我不是特别爱吃鱼,但爱吃对虾。

    I 'm not very keen on fish , but prawn .

  4. 它非常爱吃肉,爱吃鱼罐头却不爱吃活鱼。

    It is love meat , canned fish does not love favorite fish .

  5. 日本人爱吃鱼。

    Japanese people like to eat fish .

  6. 日本人确实是超爱吃鱼的。

    The Japanese do love their fish .

  7. 母亲说,孩子,快吃吧,我不爱吃鱼!——

    Said the mother , child , eat fast , I do not like fish ! -

  8. 那么,第二幅图呢,你们知道日本人为什么爱吃鱼吗?

    Ok , now the second , do you know why does Japanese like eating fish ?

  9. 如果你爱吃鱼但又不喜欢那惺味的话,不妨将鱼浸泡在小苏打水里然后在冰箱里放上一小时。

    If you like fish but hate the smell , soak your fish in water and baking soda for an hour in the fridge .

  10. 日本人一向以爱吃鱼而著称于世。现在,从土耳其引进的一种鱼在日本又有了新的用途,它们能为日本人的健康做出贡献。

    The Japanese are known for eating more fish than any other nation in the world & now fish may have a chance to get their own back .

  11. 什么肉我都不爱吃,我也不爱吃鱼。

    I don 't care much for meat of any kind and I can 't stand fish .