
  • 网络Lover;erastes
  1. 因为,施爱者总是在试图不断地使被爱者尊严无存。

    For the lover is forever trying to strip bare his beloved .

  2. 你将存于爱者眼中和这字里行间。

    You live in this , and dwell in lover 's eyes .

  3. Fisher博士的工作揭示了恋爱人群真实的行为模式,比如:试图唤起被爱者的报答&类似于强迫性混乱症(OCD)。

    Dr Fisher 's work , however , suggests that the actual behavioural patterns of those in love such as attempting to evoke reciprocal responses in one 's loved one resemble obsessive compulsive disorder ( OCD ) .

  4. Fisher博士的工作揭示了恋爱人群真实的行为模式,比如:试图唤起被爱者的报答——类似于强迫性混乱症(OCD)。

    Dr Fisher 's work , however , suggests that the actual behavioural patterns of those in love - such as attempting to evoke reciprocal responses in one 's loved one - resemble obsessive compulsive disorder ( OCD ) .

  5. 当然,被爱者也同样可能是任何类型的人。

    Now , the beloved can also be of any description .

  6. 因此,施爱者只有惟——种选择。

    So there is only one thing for the lover to do .

  7. 它希望和那个爱者结合。

    It wants to get to merge with the Lover .

  8. 我们是被爱者当中被嫌弃的一群。

    We are the cursed of the loved ones .

  9. 深爱者青春永驻。

    Those who love deeply never grow old .

  10. 第一,它是以所爱者的互爱为前提的;

    In the first place , it assumes that the person loved returns the love ;

  11. 神所爱者多夭折。

    Whom the God loves dies young .

  12. 但愿是爱者的手扶之杖。

    Hope is a lover 's staff .

  13. 被爱者总是害怕进而憎恨施爱者,而这种心理的产生有其充分的理由。

    The beloved fears and hates the lover , and with the best of reasons .

  14. 被爱者也可能奸诈、油头滑脑,而且沉溺于各种恶习。

    The beloved may be treacherous , greasy headed , and given to evil habits .

  15. 我要为我所亲爱的唱歌,是我所爱者的歌,论他葡萄园的事。

    Now will I sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard .

  16. 他们中有爱者和被爱者,但各自的情况却大相径庭。

    There are the lover and the beloved , but these two come from different countries .

  17. 每一颗心应当是我的庙宇,我的爱者则是那爱之庙宇里的牧师。

    The heart of each should be my shrine , and my lover the priest of that temple of love .

  18. “告诉我你所爱者是谁,”何赛写道,“我就知道你是什么样的人。”

    " Tell me whom you love ," Houssaye wrote ," and I will tell you who you are . "

  19. 施爱者总渴望与被爱者尽可能有一些关系,尽管这样做只会给他带来痛苦。

    The lover craves any possible relation with the beloved , even if this experience can cause him only pain .

  20. 我总是遇到这样一个现实:人是有限的,而我却要他们成为无限的爱者。

    In a way , I always bump into the reality that people are limited and I want them to be unlimited lovers .

  21. 目的了解男同/双性爱者的高危性行为状况,为行为干预提供理论依据。

    Objective To investigate the situation of homosexual / bisexual men 's high risk behavior and provide relevant interventions for AIDS control and prevention .

  22. 通常,被爱者只是一个刺激因素,激发起施爱者长期隐藏在心底的爱。

    Often the beloved is only a stimulus for all the stored uplove which has lain quiet within the lover for a long time hitherto .

  23. 往往,被爱者仅仅是爱者心底平静地蕴积了好久的那种爱情的触发剂。

    Often the beloved is only a stimulus for all the stored-up love which has lain quiet within the lover for a long time hitherto .

  24. 被爱者即害怕又恨着爱人的人,原因是,爱人的人永远都在试图剥去被爱者的面具。

    The beloved fears and hates the lover , and with the best of reasons , For the lover is forever trying to strip bare his beloved .

  25. 的确,施爱者对此可能像其他人一样了解得一清二楚。但是,这丝毫不影响他的爱情的进展。

    Yes , and the lover may see this as clearly as anyone else - but that does not affect the evolution of his love one whit .

  26. 值此悲伤时刻,我们和你们站在一起,你们悼念着如此众多你们所爱者的丧生并在继续搜寻失踪者。

    We stand with you during this tragic moment as you mourn the loss of so many of your loved ones and search for those still missing .

  27. 被爱者的透明、不可思议的淡漠、那令人丧失的东西,都在光的无限晶体中不见了:再也不必想到它。

    The transparency of the beloved , miraculous indifference , what makes one lost , is lost in the infinite crystal of light : to never think of it again .

  28. 他会逐渐地认识到一种新奇而又陌生的孤寂。而且,正是这一认识使他忍受痛苦。因此,施爱者只有唯一一种选择。

    He comes to know a new , strange loneliness and it is this knowledge which makes him suffer , So there is only one thing for the lover to do .

  29. 固然神所爱者早死,万物莫不如此,但是他们也断然因此与神一起永生。

    For that the favorites of the gods die early , is true in all things ; but it is just as certain that they then live eternally with the gods .

  30. 需要补充说明的是,我们谈论的施爱者未必是一个为买结婚戒指而储蓄的年轻人——他可能是男人、女人或者是孩子,甚或是世界上任何一个人。

    Let it be added here that this lover about whom we speak need not necessarily be a young man saving for a wedding ring this lover can be a man , woman , child , or indeed any human creature on this earth .