
wú chǎn jiē jí wén xué
  • proletarian literature
  1. 他是无产阶级文学的奠基人。

    He is the father of proletarian literature .

  2. 无产阶级文学绝不是单纯的艺术运动,是带有思想解放和思想限制的双重性质的社会运动。

    The proletarian literature is never a merely artistic movement , but a social movement with the dual nature of ideological liberation and ideological restriction .

  3. 苦苦寻求光明的日本无产阶级文学

    The Japanese Proletariat Literature Kept on Looking for a Bright Outlet

  4. 论中国现代无产阶级文学的历史进程

    On the Evolution of the Modern Proletariat Literature of China

  5. 构建无产阶级文学的两种想象与实践

    Two Visions and Practices for the Construction of Proletariat Literature

  6. 日本的无产阶级文学是日本革命运动的重要组成部分。

    Proletariat literature is an important part of the Japanese revolutionary movement .

  7. 长期以来,无产阶级文学一直概念含混。

    For a long time , the concept of proletariat 's literature has always been ambiguous .

  8. 现实主义从此成为我国进步文学和无产阶级文学创作的主流。

    Thereafter , realism has been the mainstream of China 's progressive literature and proletariat literature creation .

  9. 其次两位作家在各自国家无产阶级文学史上的影响相当,高尔基是俄苏无产阶级文学的旗手,小林多喜二是日本无产阶级文学的杰出代表;

    Second , both of the two writers have equally great influence in their own country 's proletariat 's literature .

  10. 在昭和初年日本无产阶级文学的鼎盛时期,日本无产阶级作家对中国无产阶级的描述显示出超越国界的阶级认同。

    In the beginning of the Showa period , the Japanese proletarian writers accept Chinese proletarian as a brother of themselves .

  11. 中国现代无产阶级文学是指1923~949年间中国现代文坛上存在的一种巨大文学现象。

    The modern proletariat literature of China refers to the obvious phenomana taking plave in the literary world of China from1923to1949 .

  12. 以至于在当代语境下,无产阶级文学作品多被纳入了类型化、概念化之列。

    So under the contemporary linguistic context , most of proletariat 's literary works have been classified into " type " and " concept " .

  13. 我觉得,从政治属性看,它是无产阶级文学在社会主义阶段的表现,也就是社会主义现实主义的文学。

    From the political point of view , it is the proletarian literature in the period of socialism , which is also called realism of socialism .

  14. 以《中国的一日》为开端的“一日”征文活动使报告文学这一新兴文体迅速成长起来,使中国无产阶级文学获得了长足进步;

    The ' one day ' articles collected campaign which began with the article One Day of China activities helped the newly style reportage grew up quickly .

  15. 尘封已久的无产阶级文学,再次成为文学评论界和思想界关注的对象。也引起了本文对无产阶级文学个案研究的兴趣和思考。

    Proletariat 's Literature attracted great attention of critics and thinkers once again , and also aroused the writer 's interest in studying the case of proletariat 's literature .

  16. 第二章,论述日本文学、日本的文坛风向、左翼文学(无产阶级文学)对创造社作家的影响。

    Chapter 2 , the influence of Japanese literature , shifting wind of Japanese literary world and the Left Wing Literature ( the proletarian literature ) that affected them .

  17. 《马丁·伊登》是美国著名现实主义与自然主义作家、美国无产阶级文学之父杰克·伦敦的代表作之一。

    Martin Eden is one of the representative works of Jack London , a famous American realist and naturalist who is regarded as father of the proletariat literature of America .

  18. 然而人们对他的评论却不尽相同:有人称他为无产阶级文学之父;

    But literary critics have different views on his works and himself : some critics praise his works and some praise him as a person , calling him " father of American proletarian literature ";

  19. 但他开创的文学大众化的理念却成为中国现代文学发展的基本走向,在其后的五四文学、无产阶级文学、甚至当代文学中不断呈现。

    But , the idea which he founds popularization of literature becomes the basic trend of Chinese modern literature development , and unceasingly present in the May 4th Literature movement , the proletariat literature , even the contemporary literature .

  20. 在农村革命和文化革命深入中,无产阶级文学蓬勃发展;《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》,确立了文艺创作的方向和原则,促进了文学事业的发展;

    In the movement of rural revolution and cultural revolution , the proletariat literature developed quickly , and the Talk at Yan'an Literature and Art made the direction and principle of creating literature and art , and also brought about a great advance in literary creation .

  21. 创造社和太阳社的许多人,以革命文学家和革命文艺理论家的姿态,倡导无产阶级文学,排斥甚至全盘否定五四以来的新文学,对一切非革命作家进行了恶劣地批判。

    Many people in Creation Society and Sun Society , Holding the attitude of the revolutionary writer and literary theorist of the revolutionary , propose " proletarian literature ", reject and negate whole the new literature since " May Forth ", severely criticize the all non-revolutionary writers .

  22. 20年代的革命文学观念,经历着由表现反抗精神的观念向无产阶级文学观念的质的飞跃,影响这种变化的历史因素主要是革命文学倡导者所接受的不同的国际左翼文学理论资源。

    The revolutionary literature concept in the 1920s was undergoing an essential leap from displaying revolt spirit to proletariat literature . The historical factor that affected this change was mainly from the different resources of literary theory which the advocates of revolutionary literature accepted from the International Left .

  23. 资产阶级对于无产阶级的文学艺术作品,不管其艺术成就怎样高,总是排斥的。

    The bourgeoisie always shuts out proletarian literature and art , however great their artistic merit .

  24. 无产阶级的文学艺术是无产阶级整个革命事业的一部分,如同列宁所说,是整个革命机器中的“齿轮和螺丝钉”。

    Proletarian literature and art are part of the whole proletarian revolutionary cause ; they are , as Lenin said , cogs and wheels in the whole revolutionary machine .