
  1. 同人杂志在五四时期扮演了至关重要的角色,它与五四文化这种纠结的关系使其本身具有空前的复杂性和与生俱来的脆弱性。

    The coterie magazine had acted an very important role in Wusi times , the relationships tangled with Wusi culture enabled itself to have the unprecedented complexity and the born vulnerability .

  2. 第二部分从理论到实践,重点剖析胡风同人杂志观的几个层面以及这些理念在其创立《七月》与《希望》过程中的具体表现。

    The second part from the theory to the practice , analyzes Hu Feng with emphasis the person magazine view several stratification planes as well as these ideas , in it establishes " July " and " Hope " in the process concrete manifestation .

  3. 第四部分着重分析胡风编辑的同人杂志有别于现当代报刊史上其它同人杂志的两大特性:去商业化与去机关化。

    The fourth part analyzes the same person magazine which Hu Feng edits to be different with now in emphatically the generation of publication history other with the person magazine two big characteristics : " the commercialization " and " goes to the institution " .