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pái lou
  • pailou, decorated archway;pailou;decorated archway
牌楼 [pái lóu]
  • [pailou;decorated archway] 城市要冲或名胜之处的装饰用的建筑物,用两个或四个并排的柱子搭成,上边有檐。还有一种用竹、木等临时搭的庆祝用的此类建筑

牌楼[pái lou]
  1. 东部城区向半住宅区的转变始于1997年。当时,MCI中心(如今的Verizon中心)在距离唐人街牌楼(第七街和H街交接处)一个街区的地方开张了。

    East downtown began its transition to a semi-residential neighbourhood in 1997 when the MCI Center ( now the Verizon Center ) opened one block from the Chinatown gate on 7th and H Streets .

  2. 牌楼是中国传统建筑艺术的结晶。

    The decorated archway is the traditional ornamental buildings of China .

  3. 马威低着头儿往玉石牌楼走。

    Ma Wei head down child to go to the jade arch .

  4. 最有趣的装饰是发现雕刻的柱子和一个石头牌楼。

    The most interesting ornamentation is found on a frieze and an arch-stone .

  5. 我们将连夜施工,修起一个围挡将牌楼圈起来。

    We will work into the night to erect a barrier around the archway .

  6. 每一个城楼,每一个牌楼,都可以从老远就看见。

    Every city gate tower and decorated archway can be seen from a distance .

  7. 这个地区包括三座中式牌楼、只石狮和一座宝塔。

    The area consists of three Chinese-style arches , a stone lion and a pagoda .

  8. 目前有关方面正对这座牌楼进行修复工作,为在2010年上海世博会展出做准备。

    Now it is being renovated for its comeback at the2010 World Expo in shanghai .

  9. 已经有人提议将这个地方换上电子广告牌楼,目前有关威尼斯政府是否应该批准这一提议的争论仍在继续。

    The space has been suggested for electronic advertisements and controversy continues over whether the city will allow it .

  10. 石雕走廊、石亭子,与石雕牌坊、浮雕、九龙壁、石雕牌楼构成。

    Stone corridor , stone pavilion , and stone arch , anaglyph , the nine-dragon screen , stone archway constitutes .

  11. 北京内城的跨街牌楼首当其冲成为城市近代化建设中矛盾的焦点。

    During that time , the street archways of inward city became the core of contradiction because of the city modernization .

  12. 牌楼是我国古建筑中重要的一种,有着浓厚的文化积淀和艺术价值。

    Pai'lou , which has rich cultural accumulation and art value , is an important style among ancient buildings in China .

  13. 牌楼作为建筑群体,一直处于城市文化研究的边缘位置,研究相对薄弱。

    Pai ' Iou , as architecture communities , has always been in the marginal position in the research of city culture .

  14. 围绕着牌楼拆建问题的争论,折射出社会转型期中民众对牌楼文物价值的社会认同,以及牌楼文化价值的提升。

    The conflicts between different people embodied their identification with the relic value of Pai'lou and the raise of its cultural value .

  15. 记者在四牌楼左近的的百货大楼一楼看到,固然黄金饰品价钱曾经到达411元每克,但是前来选购的市民依然可以说是热忱高涨。

    Our reporter sees one department store near Sipailou crowded with enthusiastic buyers purchasing gold jewelry though the price has jumped to411yuan per gram .

  16. 牌坊又称牌楼,它不同于民居,民居是住人的;也不同于寺庙,寺庙是供神的;它是一种门洞式的、纪念性的独特的建筑物。

    Memorial archway , different from either houses dwelled by humans or temples where gods are worshiped , is a unique kind of memorial architecture .

  17. 长沙东牌楼出土的东汉灵帝时期简牍,内容丰富,具有珍贵价值。

    The bamboo slips of the Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty , excavated at the eastern archway of Changsha , have abundant contents and precious value .

  18. 华埠地区市议员郭亚伦到访中华公所,与伍锐贤主席和社区人事讨论华埠社区问题,包括牌楼、泊车、交通安全和清洁等问题。

    Chinatown District City Councilmember Alan Gerson visited CCBA , to discuss different issues in Chinatown , including the Chinatown Arch , parking , traffic safety and sanitation issues .

  19. 广州近代4个商业中心,有3个在越秀区内,即北京路,中山五路、解放中四牌楼、长提&人民南路。

    Guangzhou Modern four commercial centres , three in the Yuexiu district , namely Beijing Road , Zhongshan Rd , the liberation of four ceremonial arches , long mentioned-the people of South Road .

  20. 后来出门看才发现国子监的牌楼竟然被撞断了,一辆黄色挖土车停在路边,司机被警察带走了。

    Then she went outside and saw that the Guozijian archway had unexpectedly been broken , a yellow excavator was stopped on the side of the road , and the driver was taken away by police .

  21. 从其中的一个厅里可以看到别致的牌楼和小溪对面松林点缀的五老峰,在这个厅里供奉着文昌帝君像,像上沾满了灰尘。

    A very picturesque view of an old triumphal arch and the pine-tree-studded hill on the other side of the brook , was obtained from a hall in which stood a dust-covered effigy of an old school god .

  22. 该文通过对牌楼形制产主、发展和变化的研究,结合它们在明、清时期城市中的实例,进一步认识牌楼在古代城市中的具体形态和作用。

    This article gives further information about the concrete configuration and function of archway in ancient city by studying the initiation , development and alteration of archway as well as the samples in Chinese cities in Ming & Qing Dynasty .

  23. 学校坐落在历史文化名城南京,占地面积427公顷,建筑面积88.6万平方米,有四牌楼、九龙湖等主校区。

    SEU is located in the historical and cultural city of Nanjing , covering a total area of 427 hectares , with a built-up area of 886 000 square meters . The main campuses of the SEU consist of Sipailou Campus and Jiulong Lake Campus .