
  1. 第五部分是西南化工销售分公司物流战略的实施与保障措施。

    The fifth part is the Southwest Chemical sales company logistics strategy implementation and guarantee measures .

  2. 我国物流外包战略的实施障碍

    Obstacles to Implementation of China 's Logistics Outsourcing Strategy

  3. 文章的最后介绍了供应商管理库存式采购物流战略的具体实施步骤与控制要点,以及整体式汽车零部件采购物流战略的具体实施办法。

    The final article introduced the concrete implementation steps and control points of vendor managed inventory procurement logistics strategy , and the concrete implementation of the integrated auto parts procurement logistics strategy .

  4. 最后运用企业扩张理论和协同理论结合我国第三方物流市场的实际来指导综合物流战略的实施。

    Lastly , the writer associates the theory of business ' outspread with the theory of synergy to direct the integrated strategy fulfillment .

  5. 最后引用了铁行渣华(中国)有限公司在中国实施物流管理发展战略为例,对航运企业物流发展战略实施进行具体分析。

    Finally logistics development strategy implementation is conducted detailed analysis by the case of P O ( China ) .

  6. 在系统分析政策环境的技术上,通过对天津港保税区SWOT分析,提出了天津港保税区发展国际物流系统可以选择的发展战略,并进而提出了其实施国际物流发展战略实施的对策措施。

    Base on analyzing government policy environment and SWOT analysis of TIANJIN Port Bonded Zone , the author provided the possible development strategy of international Logistics system in TIANJIN Port Bonded Zone and the detail methods to realize it .

  7. 在完成战略分析后,本文就AN公司实施第三方物流战略前后的成本变化进行了比较和分析,力图通过分析发现第三方物流战略实施前后各项物流成本的变化规律及趋势。

    After analyzing the strategy , the dissertation compares and analyzes the logistics cost changes of this company before and after the enforcement of 3PL , aiming to find out the tendency and rules of cost changes after the implementation .

  8. 本文论述了物流战略的重要作用,探讨了制订物流战略的方法,构造了物流战略规划框架以及实施物流战略的行动纲领和路线,阐述了物流战略转移所带来的影响。

    This paper relates the impotent roles of logistics strategy , goes farther into a conceptual approach to formulating logistics strategy , structures the system for logistics strategy planning and implements strategic action itineraries in logistics , cites the possible influences of a strategic move .