
  • 网络Logistics Strategic Objective
  1. 东北装备制造业物流战略目标研究

    Logistics Strategic objective of Northeast Material Manufacturing Industry

  2. 厦航发展航空物流的战略目标

    Xiamen Airlines ' Strategic Aim on Air Logistics

  3. 并建立了物流网战略目标层次模型。

    And build up the rank order model of strategic goal of Logistics Net .

  4. 分析我国物流发展战略目标和要求及传统公路运输业向现代物流业转化的战略对策;

    The paper brings up the strategic ways of the highway enterprises how the highway transportation enterprises translate to modern logistics .

  5. 四川物流发展战略目标必须结合四川经济发展内在要求和现实条件合理定位。

    In addition , it points out that the strategic target for the development of Sichuan logistics should be defined rationally in light with the internal requirements and the actual conditions for the economic development in Sichuan Province .

  6. 通过绘制图形以及建立公式分析了电子商务对第四代物流管理战略目标的移动和改变两个层次的作用。

    By drawing graphs and building formulas we analyze two effects by EC to the strat - gic goal of the fourth generation Logistics management , movement and change , and the mutual function of these two effects .

  7. 黑龙江省现代物流发展的战略目标与思路

    The Strategic Objectives of Developing Modern Logistics in Heilongjiang Province

  8. 2001年底,广州邮政确立了以信息化改造传统邮政,用现代化构筑物流企业的战略目标,加快邮政物流公众服务网络建设,推动传统邮政向现代物流企业转变。

    At the late of 2001 , Guangzhou Post established the strategic objective of " regenerating traditional post with information , constructing logistic enterprise with modernization " .

  9. 本文以安徽烟草企业为案例,系统分析了安徽烟草供应链现代物流发展的战略目标、战略框架,物流系统运作流程以及战略的初步实施情况。

    This paper takes Anhui tobacco group as example , analyzes the strategy goal , strategy framework , operating process and primary practice of its modern logistics system .

  10. 同时,为了实现华北分公司成品油物流发展的战略目标,需要从企业文化、市场、运作、基建、信息、人才等方面分别制定相应的战略措施,从多方面保证该目标的实现。

    Meanwhile , in order to guarantee the realization of petroleum product strategic development objectives in Sinopec Sales Co. , LTD. North China , strategic measures in aspects of corporate culture , market , operation , infrastructure , information and talents should be developed .

  11. 基于这些条件,提出了大连港物流的发展战略目标和战略措施,即:积极发展两网、两港、两区、一中心建设,以客户需求为导向,确定发展物流的切入点;

    In terms of these analysis , brings forward strategic objectives and measures of logistics development of DaLian Port . Namely actively to develop two net two ports two section and a center , and to identify the exact joint of logistics development to meet customer need .

  12. 在以上调查、探析的基础上,本文根据深圳XX物流公司整体战略发展目标,拟定了以下人力资源发展战略目标:1.建立清晰的职位分类体系,制定完善、清晰的岗位说明书,加强任职管理。

    Then the author concludes below strategic targets of human resources based on the overall strategic development targets of Shenzhen XX Logistics Company . 1 . Establish clear job classification system , formulate comprehensive and clear job descriptions , and strengthen the competency management ; 2 .

  13. 详细论述了大连港现代物流发展优势和存在问题,对大连港现代物流发展战略与总体目标设想进行了有益的探讨,并对大连港下一步物流的发展提出了主要对策与建议。

    Moreover , it discusses both advantages and problems of Dalian port , assumes the future stratagem and overall target , and puts forward some useful countermeasures and suggestions for logistic development of Dalian port .

  14. 物流经营成本是在物流经营层面上发生的成本,它根据物流战略成本的目标和规划制定出具体的执行方案,并控制着物流作业成本的形成过程;

    Logistic operational cost belongs to the level of logistic operation , and it controls the formation progress of logistic production ;