
Logistics installation and equipment utilization is the basic factor of establishing logistics companies .
Installation of Shaft A Research on the Scale of TPL Company With Installation and Equipments Utilization
This article focuses on re-planning of Xianyang China Resources Textiles Company Limited raw material supply operations business processes , the business processes to operate effectively , the modern logistics facilities , equipment and management information systems support .
The modernization level of logistics facility and equipment improves unceasingly , which tends to automatic , integration and intelligent .
At present , modern logistics facilities construction and technical equipment renewal has been generally realized in the entire industry .
In implement aspect , this paper deeply analyzes and programs projects in the aspects of integrating resources , reengineering business process , building logistics information system , improving people 's whole quality and increasing investment of logistics facilities and equipments .
In recent years , as a deputy provincial cities of Hubei province , Yichang City attach great attention from the government and enterprises and the development of logistics facilities and equipment is taking shape .