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  1. 中国古代军戎服饰,其衣、帽和装饰在长期的战争生活中,形成了极具特色的服饰体系。

    The ancient Chinese military uniform , including its caps and decorations has formed its unique system during the long-term wars .

  2. 第61届环球小姐大赛上周举行,大会要求每位佳丽要展示能代表本国特色的服饰。

    Women from around the world competed at the 61st annual Miss Universe pageant last week , where each contestant was asked to model an outfit representative of their own nation .

  3. 中华民族的发展过程中,在各个民族相互影响渗透,同时吸收融合了外来文化的基础之上,经过长时间的生产活动和社会实践,产生了中国独具特色的服饰文化。

    With the development the Chinese nation , in various ethnic groups influence each other penetration , while absorbing the integration on the basis of the foreign culture , after a long period of productive activity and social practice , a unique Chinese dress culture has been resulted .

  4. 一种特色鲜明的服饰(作为神职人员穿的服饰)。

    A distinctive attire ( as the costume of a religious order ) .

  5. 几千年来,中国人民创造了无数具有中华民族特色的衣冠服饰,给中华民族文化增添了灿烂的光辉。

    Over the past centries , the Chinese people had created many dress style of t Chinese National characteristic , and has increased glory for Chinese culture .

  6. 少数民族地区具有丰富的民族传统文化,其中独具特色的民族服饰、建筑、饰品等元素成为画家们创作灵感的来源。

    The ethnic area has rich traditional culture , the unique ethnic costumes , architecture , jewelry and other elements to become the source of inspiration of artists .

  7. 瑶族作为我国55个少数民族之一,在长达五千年的历史进程中,逐渐形成了独具特色的瑶族服饰文化。

    The Yao , which is one of China ' s55ethnic minority groups , has gradually formed a unique ethnic costume style in the last five thousand years .

  8. 赣南地区形成其独具特色的地方服饰是受自然环境、民族迁徙、民间信仰、少数民族杂居、文化特征等各个因素的结果。

    Gannan forming a unique costume culture is the result of many aspects , which conclude natural environment , economic level , religious belief , aesthetics taste , and minorities .

  9. 中国是一个多民族国家,千百年来,各民族不同的生活方式积淀出独特的民族文化,独特的民族文化孕育了各具特色的民族服饰。

    China is a country with long history , the different lifestyles of the different nations cultivated their own unique culture which had given birth to the distinctive national dresses .

  10. 独具特色的蒙古族服饰文化

    The Characteristics of Monggol Dress Culture

  11. 寻找老年服饰与中式元素的契合点,在老年服饰的设计中充分的体现民族特色,寻求一种富有中国特色的老年服饰文化。

    It finds the meeting point between elderly clothing and Chinese elements . The clothing design for the aged should fully reflect ethnic characteristics and form an elderly clothing culture with Chinese characteristics .