
  • 网络Terry;john terry;Jason Terry;tree;Tehri
  1. 米尔森看见工人特里正从梯子上下来。

    Millson saw the workman , Terry , descending the ladder .

  2. 嗨,特里,过来认识一下我爸爸。

    Hey , Terry , come and meet my Dad .

  3. 当我放眼望去见到特里时,我整个人兴奋不已。

    When I look over and see Terry I tingle all over .

  4. 柯林小姐在来自米克·特里齐养马场的两匹马身上下了注,结果她赢了。

    Miss Curling won on two horses from Mick Trickey 's stable .

  5. 次日上午9点,本特里被捆住双臂、戴上头罩,然后绞死了。

    At nine the next morning Bentley was pinioned , hooded and hanged .

  6. 生活中的凯茜受到父亲特里的严格看管。

    Off-screen , Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father Terry .

  7. 我从未见过特里如此放声大笑。

    I 've never seen Terry laugh so hard

  8. 人们赞誉她的歌声时,特里实际上会说“噢,没什么!”

    Terry actually says ' Oh , shucks ! ' when complimented on her singing .

  9. 特里非常疼我。

    Terry had a soft spot for me

  10. 蒂娜似乎能够迷住特里,并随心所欲地支配他。

    Tina seems able to cast a spell over Terry and get him to do anything she wants .

  11. 是特里米瑞斯公司生产的化合物。它能阻止分子最终结构折叠的发生

    Trimeris ' compound , called T-20 , blocks the final structural contortions from taking place . T-20

  12. 高管培训师特里•R•培根曾经历过让人痛苦的面试过程。

    Executive coach Terry R. bacon has seen his share of painful job interviews .

  13. 让我们看看Facebook工程师埃文•普利斯特里的传奇故事。

    Consider , for example , legendary Facebook engineer Evan Priestley .

  14. 雅虎(Yahoo)是行业领先的消费者互联网公司,时任首席执行官为特里•塞梅尔;

    Yahoo ( YHOO ) is the leading consumer Internet company with Terry Semel as CEO .

  15. 微软Windows部门负责人特里•迈尔森(TerryMyerson)昨日在深圳举行的Windows硬件工程产业创新峰会(WinHEC)上宣布了免费升级计划。

    Terry Myerson , head of Windows , announced the giveaway plan at an event in Shenzhen yesterday .

  16. 普利斯特里提出的解决方法堪称绝妙,Facebook为此向他伸出了橄榄枝&提供免费机票,邀请他飞往帕洛阿尔托参加面试。最终,他凭借高超的技术征服了所有人。

    Priestley 's solution was so elegant that Facebook flew him to Palo Alto for an interview , where he impressed everyone with his skills .

  17. 还有利物浦队的杰拉德,切尔西队的特里,AC米兰队的卡卡是唯一入选的意甲联赛球员。

    Liverpool also has Steven Gerrard , John Terry is the only Chelsea player on the lineup and AC Milan 's Kaka is the lone star from Italy 's Serie A.

  18. NPR新闻,特里·吉尔达盐湖城报道。

    For NPR News , I am Terry Gildea in Salt Lake City .

  19. 星期天晚上,在NBA总决赛系列赛中众多关于达拉斯小牛队的话题之一就是特里大胆的纹身。

    One of the many storylines in the NBA Finals won by the Dallas Mavericks Sunday night was Terry 's bold tattoo .

  20. 同样,约翰•特里队友的水准,表明特里在加入切尔西俱乐部(Chelsea)之前,就已经是一名出色的球员。

    Similarly , the quality of John Terry 's team-mates is a sign that Terry was a good footballer before he joined Chelsea .

  21. 特里•塔米宁是“第七代顾问”公司(SeventhGenerationAdvisors,SGA)总裁,该顾问公司协助全球政府实施清洁能源和气候变化的政策。

    Terry Tamminen is president of Seventh Generation Advisors ( SGA ), a consultancy helping governments worldwide implement clean energy and climate change policies .

  22. 由于将一手成立的音乐公司卖给了雅虎,戈德伯格在业内声名鹊起。之后他还留在公司管理过一段时间,时任雅虎CEO是特里o塞梅尔。

    He made his bones selling a music startup to Yahoo , where he stayed on for a time as an executive in the Terry Semel era .

  23. 特里•塞梅尔(TerrySemel)是率领雅虎抗击其机敏对手的合适人选?

    Is Terry Semel the right man to lead Yahoo ! against its nimbler rival ?

  24. 与此同时特里28岁的妻子Toni,和他们的双胞胎,在丑闻的伴随中飞去了迪拜。

    Meanwhile Terry 's wife Toni , 28 , has flown to Dubai with their twins in the wake of the scandal .

  25. 该法案将从7月起生效,前提是弗吉尼亚州州长特里•麦考利夫(TerryMcAuliffe)签署法案,使其正式成为法律。

    The bill will come into effect from July , should Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe sign it into law .

  26. 密斯特里在电子邮件中对拉丹.塔塔钟爱的塔塔Nano项目发起炮轰,Nano在2009年问世时被称为全球最便宜的汽车。

    In his email , Mr Mistry blasted the Tata Nano , one of Mr Tata 's pet projects , which was billed as the world 's cheapest car at its launch in 2009 .

  27. 中国为增加国家储备而收购棉花,支撑了世界棉价,ICAC执行主任特里汤森德(TerryTownsend)表示。

    China is supporting world cotton prices by purchasing cotton for their national reserve , says Terry Townsend , executive director .

  28. 特里认为应用程序的创意之处是抵消Facebook强制实施的人造善意文化,鼓励相似性,但让不一致没有生存空间。

    The idea behind it , Terry said , was to offset what he sees as Facebook 's enforced artificial culture of niceness , which encourages affinities but leaves less room for disagreement .

  29. 普华永道(PwC)合伙人琼•特里表示(JonTerry)表示,可能对受影响基金产生重大影响的规则存在重大不确定性。

    Jon Terry , a partner at PwC , said there was now considerable uncertainty over rules that could have a major impact on affected funds .

  30. 我们的小女儿,6岁的特里西娅(Tricia)给它起名叫‘跳棋’。

    Our little girl – Tricia , the six year old – named it Checkers .