
  • 网络Gandhara
  1. 最后,对犍陀罗艺术元素传入龟兹的路线和方式作出分析。

    At last , how Gandhara art was introduced to Kucha is analyzed .

  2. 克孜尔石窟裸体女性形象来源旧说&希腊说、犍陀罗说或龟兹本地说,经分析是难以成立的。

    Generally the nude woman figures in the Kizil Grottoes are considered to be of Greek , Gandhara or Qiuci ( local ) nature . A careful analysis proves the inadequacy of these theories .

  3. 本文探讨了佛传故事在印度的起源与发展,以及这一题材由犍陀罗通过丝绸之路传入中国的过程。

    In the research , author concentrates on the arts regarding the Buddha 's life stories , and studies how they were established and developed in India .