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xiá nì
  • To be intimate;be improperly familiar with
狎昵 [xiá nì]
  • [be improperly familiar with] 指过于亲近而态度不庄重

  • 生就视,容华若仙,惊喜拥入,穷极狎昵。--《聊斋志异.胡四姐》

狎昵[xiá nì]
  1. 在狎昵念意的跟前,心,为了更好地爱,后退了。

    The heart draws back before voluptuousness only to love the more .

  2. 同时注重夫妻情感的深挚长久,而反对夫妻情感过于狎昵。

    At the same time , they pay attention to sincere and long couples ' emotion but oppose intimate couples ' emotion .