首页 / 词典 / good


qīng wǔ
  • insult;scorn
轻侮 [qīng wǔ]
  • [insult] 轻蔑侮辱

轻侮[qīng wǔ]
  1. 这得一种不可轻侮的愤怒和绝望的大声叫喊。

    It was a great formidable cry of anger and despair .

  2. 很显然,这个岛是不可能轻侮的。

    Apparently the island could not be entirely discounted .

  3. 留心避免和人家争吵;可是万一争端已起,就应该让对方知道你不是可以轻侮的。

    Beware Of entrance to a quarrel ; but being in , Bear 't that th'opposed may beware of thee .