
  • 网络light investment
  1. 但是,农业、轻工业投资的比例要加重一点。

    But the proportion for agriculture and light industry must be somewhat increased .

  2. 钻井水溶法开采流程简单、操作方便、劳动负荷轻、投资少、见效快,是一种很有发展前途的采矿方法。

    The drilling solution mining is a promising method of mining , which has simple process ; convenient operation ; light workload ;

  3. 过去4年,固始县出现了少量轻工业投资,为县城创造了数千个就业岗位。

    Gushi has seen a handful of light industry investments over the past four years which is creating thousands of jobs in the county seat .

  4. 农村居民收入水平的提高则会促使轻工业投资比重和相对增长速度的提高,但农村内部的收入差距对投资结构的影响不太显著;

    The increment of rural incomes may increase the investment proportion and growth rate of light industry , while the income gap of rural residents has little impact on macro-investment structure ;

  5. 具有设计新颖、结构严紧、操作安全方便、体积小、重量轻、设备投资少、运行费用低、臭氧浓度高(>10%),应用广泛等特点。

    The utility model has the advantages of novel design , safe operation , small size , light weight , less investment , compact structure , low running cost and high ozone concentration ( > 10 % ) .

  6. 要让它的上升速度慢下来,提高利率也许是必需的。但更大的问题在于中国轻消费、重投资、重出口的做法。

    Higher interest rates are probably needed to slow it down , but the greater problem is China 's focus on investment and exports at the expense of consumption .