
qīng tiāo
  • frivolous;levity;giddy;skittish;coquettish
轻佻 [qīng tiāo]
  • [frivolous;giddy] 举止不稳重

  • 举止轻佻

轻佻[qīng tiāo]
  1. 伊莎贝尔是个轻佻、没头脑的小女人,非常虚荣又反复无常。

    Isabelle was a frivolous little fool , vain and flighty .

  2. 但我认为演戏是轻佻且无意义的。

    But I thought acting was too frivolous and certainly not meaningful .

  3. 她轻佻的语调使他很生气。

    Her flippant tone irked him .

  4. 我不准我的儿子与轻佻的女孩交往。

    I won 't have my son associating with skittish girls .

  5. 这段被传至YouTube视频分享网站的视频时长27分钟,主要内容是布吕尼早年接受采访的片断,当年的布吕尼轻佻放荡,与如今身为第一夫人端庄贤淑的风格有着天壤之别。

    The 27-minute film , which has been posted on the video-sharing website YouTube , contains excerpts from interviews of the young Miss Bruni that juxtapose her risqu é past with her demure present as the wife of the French president .

  6. 他对女仆们态度轻佻、下流,简直令人厌恶极了。

    His manners towards the maid-servants were disgustingly free and familiar .

  7. 她男朋友在场时,她就显得格外轻佻。

    She gets very skittish when her boy-friend is around .

  8. 这本书讲述了‘轻佻’如何改变办公场所。

    It 's about how " levity " can transform the workplace .

  9. 但是那种轻佻的无意义感则是彻底的俄罗斯风格。

    But the sense of giddy pointlessness is Russian to the core .

  10. 轻佻是使灵魂不会萎靡的一个元素之一。

    An element of frivolity keeps a soul from atrophying .

  11. 她是个工于心计、轻佻放肆,不讲道德的年轻女子。

    She was a designing , an audacious and an unscrupulous young person .

  12. 我想知道,是被压抑的气恼,还是轻佻。

    I wanna know if it was repressed black anger or just giddiness .

  13. 她哈哈大笑,说话态度轻佻,不过还显得相当脆弱。

    She laughed and was frivolous and rather brittle .

  14. 认真的矫情也比轻佻的愚蠢来得好些。

    Earnest affectation is anyhow better than frivolous silliness .

  15. 雪莉·斯图不过是个爱发牢骚八卦喜欢暗箭伤人的轻佻女孩

    Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny , gossipy , backstabbing flirt .

  16. 她说不定终究是个非常轻佻的年轻女子。

    She would prove a very light young person .

  17. 说自然轻佻,也许是因她有太多的美。

    The reason for such saying may be that nature has too much beauty .

  18. 轻佻地去爱的人却能持久。

    Those who love with irony , last .

  19. 他又娶了一个轻佻的年轻姑娘。

    He married a young and giddy girl .

  20. 冒失或轻佻的女子被认为唐突、轻佻或不谨慎的女孩或年轻女人。

    A girl or young woman who is considered pert , flirtatious , or impudent .

  21. 他的一双眼睛机灵而轻佻。

    His eyes were shrewd and bawdy .

  22. 不过,这又不是通常说的那种轻佻的目光。

    It was not , however , what would have been called an immodest glance .

  23. 她是位轻佻的姑娘。

    She is a giddy girl .

  24. 犹如变色龙般轻佻。

    As the light chameleons do .

  25. 所有的这些原因使凯蒂从个纯洁的女孩变成了个轻佻浪荡的女人。

    All of these turned Caddy into a promiscuous , degenerate woman from a pure girl .

  26. 她用轻佻的表情还有眼神告诉他其实他就是她一直爱的人。

    She use the coquettish way to tell charles , he is the one she always loved .

  27. 但他记录旅行的笔法却是乏味的、轻佻的滑稽,用清晰的分析消解了俏皮话的趣味。

    Yet he chronicles his travels with a wearying feather-light jocularity , prizing one-liners over lucid analysis .

  28. 我变得过于轻佻,以致于亲吻对我来说不算是恋爱?

    Had I become sojadedthat I didn 't recognize romance when it kissed me on the lips ?

  29. 有时候一阵一阵的那么说他是个轻佻的人爸爸是不会喜欢他

    Sometimes . After a couple . So he 's a shikker . Daddy will hate him .

  30. 戴上那对金圈耳环(理查德说她戴了像个轻佻女子)和金手镯。

    The gold hoop earrings Richard said made her look like a hussy and a gold bracelet .