
shǔ nián
  • year of the rat
  1. 鼠年出现的是接连的重大伤害和无尽的危机,是挫折深重和犬儒主义主导的一年。

    The Year of the Rat was a year of mayhem and never-ending crises , a period of immense frustration and cynicism .

  2. 2008年是中国的鼠年,今年的邮票鼠票即为于平、任凭夫妇设计。

    2008 is the year of the Rat in China ; the couple is also the designer of " Year of the Rat " stamp .

  3. 布朗在贺词中说,对中国来说,鼠年是具有里程碑意义的一年。

    The year for rat will be a momentous one for China .

  4. 我是鼠年生的。

    I was born in the year of the rat .

  5. 恭祝农历戊子鼠年新春吉祥!

    Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Wuzi Mouse Year !

  6. 他是鼠年出生的。(他是属鼠的。)

    He was born in the year of mouse .

  7. 祝鼠年快乐、万事如意!

    Rat wish happiness and success in the future !

  8. 鼠年过去牛年才会到来。

    Cow will come after mouse is done .

  9. 财到,福到,鼠年到;春来,福来,奥运来。

    Choi that blessing that the Rat ; spring-fu , to the Olympic Games .

  10. 鼠年是中国十二生肖中的第一年。

    The twelve years of the Chinese horoscope begin with the Year of the Rat .

  11. 京晶:嗨,马克,迎接鼠年,你用各种老鼠装饰家里了吗?

    Dialogue 1 So , Mark , have you decorated your house with rats for the coming new year ?

  12. 鼠年出生的人通常是聪明的,和愿意积累财富,并付诸努力来获得成功。

    People under this rat sign are usually smart and willing to accumulate wealth and to take efforts to be successful .

  13. 牛是踏实耐劳的象征,会使事物恢复秩序、会使乱局变得有条理。牛年正是我们去除鼠年留下的残局与乱象的一年。

    The ox is the quintessential steadfast and patient worker which will put everything back in order and turn chaos back into reason .

  14. 鼠年瑞雪迎新春,年年新春今更新,快马加鞭稳步跑,乐在和谐顺民心。

    Rat Ruixue Spring Festival , the annual Chinese New Year this update , speed up steady run in harmony with the aspiration of music .

  15. 屡获殊荣的金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店继续其音乐之旅,鼠年的第一场沙滩音乐会将在美丽的亚龙湾边举行。

    The award-winning Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa continues its musical journey for the2nd year with the first concert in the Year of the Rat , staring top Singaporean singer Shaun and his band .

  16. 东莞市科怡盛电子有限公司全体员工在这新春之际祝愿新老客户在鼠年行大运,财源滚滚!

    Dongguan branch joy abundant electron Limited company all staff when this early spring wishes the new old customer to transport greatly in the mouse year line , the source of wealth is billowing !

  17. 鼠年出生人的性格虽然在人们的眼里,老鼠并不可爱,甚至一些中国人的说法与之相关的几乎是贬义的含义,它排在中国生肖之首。

    Character of Persons Under the Rat Sign Though in people 's eyes , the rat is not adorable , and even some Chinese sayings that related to it have almost derogatory meanings , it ranged as the head of the Chinese zodiac .

  18. 它们一到达河的另一边,老鼠就跳起来冲向了终点赢得赛跑,所以中国黄道日历里的第一年是鼠年。

    As soon as they got to the other side , the rat jumped off and scurry to the finish line to win the race , that 's why the first year in the Chinese Zodiac calendar is the year of a rat .

  19. 在这一个科学体验日里,我们会介绍一些动物给同学认识,例如:蝾螈、鼠、年虾和寄居蟹等。

    In this session , we will discuss many small animals such as salamanders , hamsters , brine shrimps and hermit crabs with the students .

  20. 华特迪士尼公司发布新闻通告称,为米妮鼠配音逾30年的露西·泰勒于本周末在加利福尼亚州格伦代尔市去世。

    Russi Taylor , the voice of Minnie for over 30 years , died this weekend in Glendale , Calif. , according to a press release from the Walt Disney Co.

  21. 鼠是十二生肖之首,鼠年也因此被视为万象更新的一年,但目前的局面似乎表明,相比于去年的猪年,今年的鼠年提出了一个更难的投资命题。

    It seems that the year of the rat , regarded as a year of renewal , being the first year in the Chinese zodiac cycle , is already proving a more difficult investment proposition than the previous year of the pig .

  22. 结果表明老年期大鼠mNTS内的突触有明显的衰老变化,这种衰老始于鼠龄1年以后,与该核功能的衰退有关。

    The results indicate that changes of synapses in aged rat mNTS appear after the first postnatal year . It may be associated with functional aging of the nucleus .