
gǒu yǎo gǒu
  • dog-eat-dog;dogfight;dog-fight;strife
狗咬狗 [gǒu yǎo gǒu]
  • [dog-eat-dog;strife;dog-fight] 比喻坏人之间互相攻击

狗咬狗[gǒu yǎo gǒu]
  1. 因此狗咬狗的模式是如何影响你的呢?

    So how does all of this dog-eat-dog consolidation affect you ?

  2. 这是一场“帝国主义狗咬狗的战争”。

    This is an imperialist dog-eat-dog type of war .

  3. 狗咬狗,两嘴毛。

    When dog bites dog , each gets a mouthful of fur -- usually indicating unjustifiable disputes .

  4. 他们的积怨来自于他们之间在政治上的狗咬狗。

    Their rancor dated from a political dogfight between them .

  5. 有时,人们会形象地把商业界比喻成狗咬狗的世界。

    The business world is sometimes described figuratively as dog eat dog .

  6. 我说这是个狗咬狗的世界。

    I say it 's a dog-eat-dog world .

  7. 在一个狗咬狗的世界,干净的双手和纯洁的心灵又有什么价值?

    How valuable are clean hands and a pure heart when it 's a dog-eat-dog world ?

  8. 娱乐圈就是一个狗咬狗的地方&尤其是在安德鲁韦伯的音乐剧招演员的时候。

    Showbusiness can be a dog-eat-dog world-especially when there 's a part in an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical up for grabs .

  9. 我爷爷总是告诉我无论做什麽都要尽心尽力,因为它知道这是个狗咬狗的世界。

    My grandfather always told me to try my best at whatever I do because he knew it is a dog-eat-dog world .

  10. 假定所有人都本性自私的实用主义宿命论者认为,在一个狗咬狗的世界中管理风险的最好办法就是风险置换。

    Pragmatic fatalists , who assume that everyone is inherently selfish , assume that the best way to manage risk in a dog-eat-dog world is to trade those risks .

  11. 如果狗咬他,狗反而会得狂犬病。

    If a dog bit him , it would get rabies .