
  1. 为了表彰他在公司治理问题方面的工作,他于2003年和2006年两度被选为香港交易所(HongKongExchangesandClearing)的独立非执行董事。

    In recognition of his work on corporate governance issues , he was twice elected as an independent non-executive director of the Hong Kong stock exchange , Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing , in 2003 and 2006 .

  2. 股东们提出反对,独立的执行董事提出辞职。

    Shareholders objected and independent directors resigned .

  3. 委员会会议法定人数须为任何两位成员,而该两位成员须为独立非执行董事。

    The quorum of a committee meeting shall be any two members who shall be independent non-executive directors .

  4. 审核委员会董事局包括三位独立非执行董事,即董慧仪女士、张兆平先生及李灿辉先生。

    The Board consists of three independent non-executive Directors , namely Madam Tung Wai Yee , Mr Cheung .

  5. 现职东亚银行顾问,也是香港交易及结算所有限公司选任的独立非执行董事。

    Currently working for Bank of East Asia as a part-time consultant , T.C.Chan is also an elected Independent Non-executive Director of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited .

  6. 委员会过半数成员须由独立非执行董事担任,且当中至少须有一位独立非执行董事具备财务管理的合适资格或专业知识。

    The majority of the members of the committee shall be independent non-executive directors and at least one independent non-executive director shall have the appropriate qualifications or expertise in financial management .

  7. 除本节另有规定外,对独立非执行董事适用本章程有关董事的资格和义务的规定。

    Except as otherwise provided in this section , the non-executive directors are subject to the provisions of the articles of association with regard to the qualification and obligation of the directors .

  8. 独立非执行董事作出判断前,可以聘请中介机构出具独立财务顾问报告,作为其判断的依据,费用由公司承担。

    The independent non-executive directors may retain an intermediation institution to issue an independent financial consulting report as his judgment basis before making the judgment , and expenses will be paid by the company .

  9. 自从亚洲经济危机以来,政府部门出台了许多新的法律来规范企业行为,包括采用西方的财务会计标准,为公司董事会委派独立的执行董事,以及保护小股东的权益等等。

    Since the Asian financial crisis , governments have instituted new laws on how businesses should behave , including adopting Western accounting standards , appointing independent directors on company boards and protecting minority shareholders ' rights .

  10. 即使在已经具备了一些西方公司特征(独立非执行董事和年度股东大会)的香港公司,最终的决策权也一直掌握在家族手中。

    Even at Hong Kong companies , which have acquired at least some of the trappings of western corporations – independent non-executive directors , annual shareholders ' meetings – final decision-making power always rests with the family .

  11. 独立非执行董事辞职应向董事会提交书面辞职报告,对任何与其辞职有关或其认为有必要引起公司和债权人注意的情况进行说明。

    The independent non-executive director shall provide the written resignation report to the board of directors for resignation , accounting for any situation relating to his resignation or considered necessary to draw the company or the creditor 's attention .

  12. 这是他免职以来首次接受国际媒体采访,在采访中郭炳湘还表示,应任命更为独立的非执行董事,加入董事局并赋予他们更大的话语权。

    In his first interview with the international media since his demotion , Mr Kwok also suggested appointing more independent , non-executive directors to the board and empowering them to have a greater say .

  13. 另外,独立董事比例、执行董事比例、监事会相关因素、高管薪酬对银行绩效都没有显著影响。

    In addition , the ratio of independent directors , the ratio of executive directors , relative factors of board of supervisors all have no significant impact on performance .

  14. 随着董事会独立性(独立非执行董事人数的比例)的提高,董事会决策的公正性效率会提高,但董事会决策的适用性效率会降低。

    With the enhancement of the independence of board of directors , the fairness of the decision made by the board of directors will increase , but the applicability of the decision will decrease .