
  1. 三件王原祁画作的辨伪

    A Discussion of the Authenticity of Three Paintings by Wang Yuanqi

  2. 浅谈王原祁画学思想中的构图理论

    A discussion on the composition theory in Wang Yuanqi 's drawing science

  3. 王原祁继承了浅绛设色的传统,以墨为主。

    Wang Yuanqi inherited the tradition of the light-red and ink-based color form .

  4. 从董源到王原祁:山水画地域意识的弱化与秩序意识的强化

    From Dong Yuan to Wang Yuanqi : the Weakening of Terrain Consciousness and the Strengthening of That on Order in Landscape Paintings

  5. 在歷史上,王原祁被人们不断研究,主要侧重于其风格技法的传承。

    In history , Wang Yuanqi is being studied constantly by people who mainly lay particular emphasis on his style and technique 's passing on .

  6. 自20世纪以后,现代美术史学意义上的王原祁研究逐渐起步,并取得了一些较有价值的成果。

    Since20th century , the study of Wang Yuanqi in the meaning of modern historiography fine arts started gradually , having made some more valuable achievements .

  7. 后者以“四王吴恽”(王时敏、王鉴、王晖、王原祁、吴历、恽格)为代表,乞丐是国王的后代,国王是乞丐的子孙。

    The latter was represented by the Four Wangs ( Wang Shimin , Wang Jian , Wang Hui , Wang Yuanqi ), Wu Li and Yun Ge . Every beggar is descend from some king , and every king be descend from some beggar .