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  • Wang Jian;【人名】Jian Wang
  1. 北京咨询公司易观国际(AnalysysInternational)电子商务专家王健估计,1-6月间双方在这场对决中总共投入了大约20亿元人民币(合3.25亿美元)。不过她表示,自那以来两个打车应用都减少了大规模补贴。

    Wang Jian , an expert on ecommerce from Analysys International , a Beijing consultancy , estimates that about Rmb2bn ( $ 325m ) was spent between January and June , but says that since then , both taxi apps have scaled back the massive subsidies they are paying .

  2. 王健高度评价了合肥近年来的发展变化。

    Wang Jian spoke highly of the recent development and changes in Hefei .

  3. 王健建议毕业生要调整心态。

    Wang suggests grads change their mindset .

  4. 在我看来,王健的艺术人生有两个方面是十分难能可贵的。

    In my opinion , Jian Wang 's life as an artist has two advantages .

  5. 王健说,他希望会改变,但还没有看到太多改变的迹象。

    Mr. Wang says he hopes so , but he hasn 't seen many signs of movement .

  6. 我相信,王健先生的归来将是他艺术发展的新起点。

    I believe the return of Jian Wang will give a new impetus to his development as an artist .

  7. 职场顾问王健指出,职场新人们之所以不愿做基层工作,源于他们对自身职场定位的错误规划。

    Consultant Wang points out that newbies ' reluctance to do ground-level work is because they wrongly project their place in the workforce .

  8. 2004:四大经济现象值得关注&中国宏观经济学会常务副秘书长王健研究员访谈

    2004 : Four Noteworthy Economic Phenomena & An Interview with Wang Jian , Permanent Deputy Secretary-general and Research Fellow at Chinese Society of Macroeconomics

  9. 英唐广告前身为1998年创建的“王健时装摄影工作室”,从最初便走在品牌时装摄影领域的最前沿。

    Previous Intown is " Wong Jian 's Fashion Photographic Studio " which was found in1998 , and always as the pioneer in stylish photography field .

  10. 借鉴海外赶超上海加快深圳证券业发展&访青年学者王健

    Draw Lessons Abroad , Try to Overstep Shanghai and Quicken the Development of Shenzhen 's Stock Business & A Visit to Wang Jian , a Young Scholar

  11. 王健先生回国之后带着饱满的热情画出了一大批人物肖像。

    Upon his return to China , Jian Wang painted a series of portraits , using a " close up " compositional technique that he developed in America .

  12. 但易观国际的王健表示,为了让人们继续使用打车软件,企业可能必须考虑其他没那么烧钱的方式来提高人们兴趣。

    But Ms Wang of Analysys International says that to keep people using the software the companies may have to think of other less expensive ways to drum up interest .

  13. 王健说:这些补贴纯粹是为了争取用户。如今没了现金奖励,他们必须想出别的办法来阻止用户数下降。

    The subsidies were purely to obtain users . Now without monetary rewards , they will have to come up with other ways to keep the numbers from eroding said Ms Wang .

  14. 五星电器还与多家银行达成了协议,主要在江苏省提供信用卡服务。在江苏,五星电器首席执行长王健有着很强的商业关系。

    Five Star was able to get deals with banks to offer credit cards largely in Jiangsu province , where Five Star 's CEO , Nicolas Wang , has strong business relationships .

  15. 瞄准激励旅游业的国内需求补偿国外需求的猛烈衰落,王健说,他是中国旅行服务广东分支的发言人。

    It is aimed at spurring domestic demand in the tourism sector to make up for the drastic decline in overseas demand , said Wang Jian , spokesman for the Guangdong branch of China Travel Services .