
Wánɡ yánɡ mínɡ
  • sunny; philosopher who stressed intuition in opposition to Zhu Xj's "investigation of things"
  1. 王阳明与卢梭自然主义教育思想之比较

    The Comparison of Wang Yang-ming and Rousseau 's Naturalistic Education Thought

  2. 王阳明致良知与理想人格的实现

    Wang Yangming 's Inducing by Conscience and Implementation of Ideal Personality

  3. 王阳明与康德的道德主体性思想比较研究

    Comparative Research about Moral Subjective Ideas of Wang Yangming and Kant

  4. 王阳明的哲学对传统教育的影响

    The Influence of Wang Yang-ming 's Philosophy on the Traditional Education

  5. 这其中,王阳明是一个突出的典型。

    Among scholars , Wang Yangming is an outstanding typical ideologist .

  6. 王阳明与孟子的心本体论比较

    Comparison Between Wang Yangming 's and Mencius 's Theories on Heart Ontology

  7. 王阳明知行合一及其他

    Wang Yangming ′ s the Unity of Knowledge and Action and Others

  8. 王阳明良知学说阐释

    The Interpretation of Wang Yangming 's Doctrine of Innate Knowledge

  9. 王阳明德育心理思想研究

    A Research on Wang Yangming 's Theory of Moral Psychology

  10. 论王阳明与贵州情结

    A Study of the Complex of Wang Yangming for Guizhou

  11. 王艮与王阳明良知思想对比

    A contrast between Wang Gen and Wang Yangming on philosophy of decency

  12. 王阳明思想中的身体隐喻

    On the Metaphor of " Soma " in Wang Yangming 's Thoughts

  13. 王阳明心学修养论的架构与价值

    The Structure and Value of WANG Yang-ming 's Psychological Cultivation

  14. 论王阳明以良知为本的道德哲学

    About WANG Yang-ming 's Ethics Philosophy Based on Moral Insight

  15. 试论王阳明的道德教育原则和方法

    On Wang yangming 's principles and methods of moral education

  16. 王阳明实践道德思想及其借鉴意义

    The Thoughts of Wang Yangming 's Practical Morality and Its Reference to Us

  17. 王阳明的蒙学教育思想及其现代启示

    WANG Yang-ming 's Mongolian Educational Ideas and Modern Apocalypse

  18. 浅谈王阳明的良知说及其现代意义

    On Wang Yangming ′ s " Conscience " Thoery and Its Modern Significance

  19. 论王阳明的人格美学思想

    On Personality Aesthetic Thought of Wang Yang - ming

  20. 王阳明晚年的精神世界

    The Spiritual World of Wang Yang-ming 's Later Life

  21. 略论王阳明对明代散文流派演变之影响&从王阳明的狂狷意识、散文理论和创作特色谈起

    WANG Yang ming 's Influence on Prose Schools ' Development in Ming Dynasty

  22. 王阳明晚年哲学的新境界

    The New Philosophical Perspective of Late Wang Yangming

  23. 本体与存在:王阳明哲学的一体两面

    Onto and Being : Two Aspects of One Body of Wang Yang-Ming 's Philosophy

  24. 王阳明教育思想的人文精神

    Humane Spirit of WANG Ming-yang 's Educational Ideology

  25. 试论王阳明德育教育模式

    The Model of Wang Yangming 's Moral Education

  26. 王阳明不仅仅是一位哲学家,他还是教育家和思想家。

    Wang Yangming is not only a philosopher , he still educator and thinker .

  27. 对王阳明心外无物的再诠释

    Re-explaining the Proposition " There is nothing out of heart " by Wang Yangming

  28. 王阳明巡抚南赣经费研究&以盐法为中心

    Fund Research about Southern Jiangxi of the Governor Wang Yangming-Taking Salt Law as Center

  29. 王阳明目标管理心理思想有三方面内容:1、随遇行志的目标确立心理。

    Wang Yangming 's psychological theory of management by objectives : 1 . Goal-setting .

  30. 王阳明思想与明代理论思维的发展

    Wang Yangming 's Thought and the Development of Theoretical Theoretical Thinking in Ming Dynasty