
huán jìnɡ jué dìnɡ lùn
  • environmental determinism
  1. 绝对地理环境决定论是唯心主义的理论观点。

    The absolute geographic environmental determinism is the idealistic theory .

  2. 这个分析也能解决环境决定论和战略决定论的争论这个问题。

    This analysis also will contribute to the discussion on environmental determinism versus strategic choice .

  3. 地理环境决定论片面地夸大了地理环境的社会作用,我国传统地理环境理论忽视或贬低了地理环境的社会作用。

    Chinese traditional geo-environmental theory neglected or debased the social impact of the geo-environment .

  4. 环境决定论的核心是把自然环境作为人文现象的基本原因和驱动力。

    The core of the environmental determinism is the attribution of human phenomena to natural factors .

  5. 这一概念是建立在一般的贫困理论、可持续生计理论和地理环境决定论的基础之上。

    The concept is on the basis of the general theory of poverty , sustainable livelihoods and geographical environment .

  6. 盛世藏珍国家珍贵文物征集成果展地理环境决定论是人类优秀文化遗产

    Achievements in the Solicitation of Precious Cultural Relics Determinism of Geographic Environment is Precious Cultural Heritage of the World

  7. 第一部分梳理环境决定论的思想轨迹,并注意到决定论思想反映的政治哲学取向。

    Geopolitics and Environmental Determinism Part one traces the tracks of environmental determinism and points out its political orientation .

  8. 反映根冠定性关系的主要观点有,形态平衡论、环境决定论和功能均衡论。

    The main viewpoints on the root shoot qualitative relations are morphological equilibrium , determining by environment and functional equilibrium .

  9. 而相对地理环境决定论是唯物主义的科学理论,是地理学人地关系理论体系的重要组成部分。

    But relatively geographic environmental determinism is materialism scientific theory and an important component part of the Man-land relationship theoretical system of geographical .

  10. 本文立足于环境决定论,对处于内外环境交互作用变化中的中国民间审计市场的动力转换问题进行了深入分析。

    On basis of environment-deciding theory , this article analyzed the power conversion of auditing market according to the changes of internal and external environments .

  11. 现代主义思维方式、后现代主义思维方式的缺陷与环境决定论、意志决定论、人地关系协调论等理论的不足息息相关。

    Defects of modernistic thinking mode and post modernistic thinking mode are closely linked to deficiency of environmental deterministic ? volitional determinism and the harmony of man-land relationship .

  12. 他在塑造狗形象,揭示狗之性格形成和发展方面,明白无误地遵从了左拉倡导的遗传决定论和环境决定论。

    From portraying the Dog 's images to revealing the formation and development of the dogs ' character , the novels embody obviously genetic determinism and environmental determinism advocated by Zola .

  13. 本文从这样的一个问题出发,立足于会计的环境决定论,采用国际比较的方法,讨论我国目前在会计准则制定时应该多借鉴的是哪一种会计准则模式。

    Proceeding from such a question and basing on the accounting environmental determinism , we adopt method of international comparison to discuss which accounting standards mode we can absorb more for China now .

  14. 人地关系研究是近代地理学发展的基础,地理学中流行的环境决定论、可能论、文化景观学和人类生态学等都是聚焦于人地关系研究的不同学派。

    Man-land relationship research is the basis for development of modern geography . Various schools of geography such as determinism , possibilism , cultural landscape and human ecology are focusing studies on man-land relationship .

  15. 生态人类学的不同流派以不同形式反映了环境决定论的基本思想,对人类中心主义、科学主义和理性主义等现代性的批判表现出明显的后现代主义思想特征。

    Various schools of ecological anthropology reflects the basic thoughts of " environment determination theory " in different forms and is characterized obviously by the thought from postmodernism , which criticizes the modernism such as anthropocentrism , science theory and rationalism .

  16. 本文分析了关于企业发展的两种观点:企业环境决定论和企业资源决定论;提出了实现企业发展的环境-资源平衡战略的理念;

    This paper analyzes the two opinions of enterprise development , namely " environment determining " and " resources of enterprise determining ", and puts forward the concept of the balancing strategy of " environment-resources " to achieve the development of enterprises .

  17. 虽然它的思想起源可以追溯到古希腊思想家的环境决定论,但是作为一门学科,其产生和发展则与美国文化人类学息息相关。

    Although the origin of thinking of ethological anthropology can be traced back to the environmental determinism of the ancient Greek thinkers , but as a discipline its coming into being has been closely bound up with the development of American anthropology .

  18. 人地关系随着社会和生成力的发展而发展,先后经历了天命论、地理环境决定论、或然论、协调论等认识阶段。

    Human-environment relationship develops along with society and the productive forces development and had experienced several different phases such as " mandate of heaven "," geographic environmental determinism "," the law of probability " and " the coordination principle " and so on .

  19. 生态环境理论与地理环境决定论二者之间虽有异有同但毕竟是异大于同。

    There is nor so much identity as diffrence on theory between ecologic-environmentalism and geo-environmentalism .

  20. 《周易》的环境观,既非环境决定论,又非主体决定论,它揭示了人与自然的和谐关系,给现代人以很多启示。

    The environment of the Zhou Yi sight , neither environment determinism , again non main body determinism , but has embodied the person and the harmonious relation of nature , and gives contemporary people with a lot of enlightenments .

  21. 在探讨西北地区的环境变迁时,有人往往用环境决定论来作为西北地区生态恶化的主要原因。

    When it comes to the ecological environment changes of the Northwest China , someone usually uses the environment decision to be as the main reason .

  22. 当然,我们反对环境虚无论的论调,也同样对环境决定论的观点持否定态度。

    Of course , we are against environmentalnothingness ", also have a negative attitude on environmental determinism " .

  23. 地理环境论与梁启超的新史学理论地理环境与人类社会&孟德斯鸠、黑格尔地理环境决定论史观比较

    Geographical Environmental Theory and Liang Qichao s Theory of Neo-historiography ; Geographical Environment and Human society : a Comparison between Montesquieu and Hegel