
  • 网络rapakivi;ring spot;ringspot
  1. PCR和Dig&cRNA探针检测番茄环斑病毒

    Detection Of Tomato Ringspot Virus ( ToRSV ) By PCR And Dig-cRNA Probe

  2. 番茄环斑病毒的普通RT-PCR和巢式PCR检测方法

    Detection Method of RT-PCR and Nested PCR for Tomato Ringspot Virus

  3. 抗环斑病毒转基因番木瓜55-1的PCR检测

    PCR for event-specific detection of transgenic virus resistant papaya 55-1

  4. 用RT-PCR技术检测澳大利亚杏仁树李坏死环斑病毒

    Detection of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus in Australian Almond by RT-PCR

  5. RT-PCR方法检测烟草环斑病毒的研究

    The Study on Detection Tobacco Ring-spot Virus ( TRSV ) by RT-PCR

  6. 实时荧光RT-PCR方法检测齿兰环斑病毒与建兰花叶病毒

    Detection of Odontoglossum ringspot virus and Cymbidium mosaic virus by real-time fluorescent RT-PCR

  7. 表明环斑花叶病侵染叶片引起暗呼吸增高和抑制光下依赖CO2的氧释放。

    It showed that ringspot mosaic infection caused an increase in respiration and a decrease in CO_2-dependent oxygen evolution .

  8. 一步法RT-PCR检测烟草环斑病毒试剂盒的研制与应用

    Research and Application of One-step RT-PCR Kit in the Detection of Tobacco Ringspot virus

  9. 应用复合RT-PCR同时检测烟草环斑病毒和番茄环斑病毒

    Establishment of Multiplex RT-PCR to Rapid Detection of Tobacco Ringspot Virus and Tomato Ringspot Virus

  10. 李属坏死环斑病毒CP基因在大肠杆菌中的表达及其抗血清制备

    Prokaryotic expression of the cp gene and antiserum preparation of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus

  11. 侵染月季的李坏死环斑病毒的检测及CP基因序列分析

    Detection and sequencing of CP gene of Prunus necrotic ring spot virus in rose

  12. 番木瓜环斑病毒畸叶株系的CP基因克隆和序列分析

    Cloning and Sequencing of Coat Protein Geng of Malformed Leaf Strain of Papaya Ringspot Virus

  13. 四个李属坏死环斑病毒分离物的检测鉴定及CP基因序列分析

    Detection and identification of four isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus from China and phylogeny of their coat protein gene

  14. 烟草环斑病毒DB-RT-RealtimePCR检测方法研究

    A study on detection of Tobacco ringspot virus by DB-RT-Realtime PCR

  15. 应用IC-RT-PCR方法检测番茄环斑病毒

    The application of IC-RT-PCR in the detection of tomato ringspot virus

  16. 番木瓜环斑病毒(PapayaRingspotVirus,PRSV)是马铃薯Y病毒属的典型成员,是番木瓜病害中的主要病原,造成世界番木瓜生产上的主要损失。

    Papaya ringspot virus ( PRSV ), a species of the genus Potyvirus , is the main pathogen causing severe losses in papaya globally .

  17. 大豆的烟草环斑病毒(TRSV)生物学性状的鉴定

    Identification of biological properties of tobacco ring spot virus in Soybean

  18. 大豆的烟草环斑病毒(TRSV),系种子带毒传病,它是引起产量严重损失的大豆病毒病害之一。

    The tobacco ring spot virus of soybean is a very serious seed borne disease in American soybean field .

  19. 大豆种传南方菜豆花叶病毒和烟草环斑病毒的GICA-RT-PCR检测

    Detection of southern bean mosaic virus and tobacco ringspot virus in soybean seed by GICA-RT-PCR

  20. 大豆的烟草环斑病毒提纯、抗血清制备和蛋白质A&琼脂糖CL-4B柱层析纯化抗血清的研究

    Purification of virus preparation of antiserum and refinement of antiserum by protein A-Sepharose CL-4 B column chromatography technique for soybean 's tobacco ring spot virus

  21. 本文回顾了李坏死环斑病毒的检测方法,较全面地评述了国内外病原物检测技术研究进展:在模板的扩增有各种PCR技术、NASBA技术;

    The author reviewed the detection measures of Prunus necrotic Ringspot Virus , and related the research progression of the pathogen detection technology inside and outside . The template Amplication technology include PCR assays ^ NASBA and so on .

  22. 科学家们所使用的“Sunup”木瓜含有随机插入的基因,使其能够对木瓜环斑病毒具有免疫作用,这种病毒降低了木瓜的产量和水果质量。

    The'SunUp'papaya used by the scientists contains randomly inserted genes to give it immunity to the papaya ringspot virus , which reduces papaya yields and fruit quality .

  23. 本研究利用多重RT-PCR技术,对葡萄的检疫性病毒中番茄环斑病毒(ToRSV)和烟草环斑病毒(TRSV)进行检测,并研究了反应体系中各个参数对多重RT-PCR的影响。

    Multiple RT-PCR was applied to detect the import quarantine viruses on grapevine : Tomato ring-spot virus ( ToRSV ), Tobacco ringspot virus ( TRSV ) . The factors affecting RT-PCR reaction of this system were studied , too .

  24. 番木瓜环斑病毒西瓜株系(PRSV-W)和小西葫芦黄化花叶病毒中国株系(ZYMV-CH)是危害我国西瓜的主要病害。

    The Papaya ringspot virus watermelon strain ( PRSV-W ) and the Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Chinese strain ( ZYMV-CH ) are two main viruses that cause severe losses in watermelon .

  25. 与同属的早熟禾半潜病毒(PSLV)和剪秋罗环斑病毒(LRSV)的核苷酸同源性分别为53.0%和41.8%,氨基酸同源性分别为48.1%和40.0%。

    Compared with Poa semilatent virus ( PSLV ) and Lychnis ringspot virus ( LRSV ), the identities of nucleotides were 53.0 % and 41.8 % and that of amino acids were 48.1 % and 40.0 % , respectively .

  26. 宁夏甜菜的烟草环斑病毒的鉴定

    Identification on Tobacco Ring spot Virus of Sugar Beet in Ningxia

  27. 番木瓜环斑病毒融合基因植物表达载体的构建

    Construction of Plant Expression Vector Containing Papaya ringspot virus Fusion Gene

  28. 北京怀柔地区樱桃上发现李属坏死环斑病毒

    Prunus necrotic ringspot virus found in cherry in Huairou , Beijing

  29. 秦岭-昆仑造山型环斑花岗岩与世界典型环斑花岗岩的对比

    Comparison of Qinling-Kunlun Orogenic-Type Rapakivi Granite with World Typical Rapakivi Granite

  30. 秦岭环斑花岗岩的年代学研究及其意义

    GEOCHRONOLOGICAL studies of rapakivi granites in Qinling and Its Geological Implications