
huán jìng è huà
  • environmental degradation;environmental deterioration;environment deterioration;deterioration of environment
  1. 人类在使用化石燃料的同时,也将二氧化碳(CO2)等大量温室气体排入大气,引起了全球变暖等一系列环境恶化的后果。

    Burning the fossil fuels can draw out a large amount of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) to the air , which can cause the environmental deterioration problems such as global warming .

  2. 地质环境恶化对九寨沟景观的影响

    Influence of geological environmental deterioration on Jiuzhaigou ravine landscape

  3. 我们一直无法处理好环境恶化问题,导致世界粮食经济不断遭到破坏,这迫使我得出这样的结论:这种瓦解是可能的。

    Our continuing failure to deal with the environmental declines that are undermining the world food economy forces me to conclude that such a collapse is possible .

  4. 随着工业废水、生活污水排放的增长,生态环境恶化,沉积物有机质中的15N迅速增大。

    δ 15N in the shallow sediment core increases rapidly due to the growing emissions of industrial wastewater and sewage , as well as ecological deterioration of environment .

  5. 基于分析20世纪后期,世界农业发生的重大变化及由此引起的全球环境恶化等问题,本文着重论述了2l世纪农业及农业工程科学技术发展的趋势与特点。

    In view of the worldwide great development of agriculture and the aggravated environment during the 20th century , the tendency and distinguishing feature of agriculture and agricultural engineering science and technology development of 21st century was emphatically pointed out in this paper .

  6. 农业环境恶化严重地威胁农业生产。

    The agricultural deterioration of the environment threatens agricultural production seriously .

  7. 土地沙漠化已经成为共和盆地生态环境恶化的主要问题。

    Desertification is the main issue of environment deterioration in Gonghe basin .

  8. 认为气候变化等自然因素是江河源区生态环境恶化的主要原因,而人类超强度、不合理的生产活动对生态环境恶化起到了推波助澜的作用。

    The chief reason of degeneration of ecology environment is climate change .

  9. 药用植物栽培种植中的土壤环境恶化及防治策略

    Soil deterioration during cultivation of medicinal plants and ways to prevent it

  10. 没有反映生态环境恶化带来的经济损失;

    The economic loss caused by the deterioration of the ecological system ;

  11. 青海湖环境恶化危害与防治对策

    Harmfulness of Qinghai Lake Environment Deterioration and Corresponding Control Measures

  12. 在我们的环境恶化之前应该有所行动。

    Something ought to have been done before our environment was getting worse .

  13. 西北地区生态环境恶化致灾与改良对策

    Deterioration of eco-environment and Improvement Countermeasures in northwestern China

  14. 黑龙江省生态环境恶化原因分析

    Deterioration Reasons of Ecological Environment in Heilongjiang Province

  15. 水污染严重,水环境恶化加剧;

    Water is seriously polluted , the deterioration of the environment of water is aggravated ;

  16. 我国作为发展中国家,随着经济建设的高速发展,采石、矿场大量废弃,导致局部生态环境恶化。

    With the economic development , local ecosystem is deteriorating with the abandoned mining quarries .

  17. 而且由于人口剧增,导致资源短缺、环境恶化。

    Population rapid growth causes the shortage of natural resource and the worsening of environment .

  18. 黄土高原环境恶化的自然背景研究

    Background of environmental deterioration in Loess Plateau

  19. 对自然资源的过度和不合理开发利用是生态环境恶化的直接人为因素;

    Excessive use and unreasonable development of the natural resources are the direct human factors ;

  20. 山西地下水开发引起生态环境恶化状况分析

    Analysis on Deterioration of Eco-environmental Situation Caused by Exploitation of Groundwater Resources in Shanxi Province

  21. 目前,能源紧缺、环境恶化已成为日趋严重的全球性问题。

    At present , the energy shortage and environmental degradation have become increasingly seriously global problems .

  22. 人类可持续发展面临自然生态环境恶化和自然资源短缺的困扰。

    This development is facing the difficulties of worst naturally ecological environment and natural resources ' shortage .

  23. 进入21世纪,我国面临的经济高速增长与资源短缺、环境恶化之间的矛盾日益突出,环境经济综合核算具有紧迫性。

    In the 21st century , China faces an increasing problem with resource shortage and environmental deterioration .

  24. 生态批评在人类面临环境恶化和生态危机的语境中应运而生。

    Ecocriticism emerges as a new literary trend in the context of ecological crisis and environmental deterioration .

  25. 随着改革的不断深入,社会的深层次矛盾逐渐显露出来,表现为失业职工增多、贫富差距拉大、生态环境恶化、腐败现象蔓延等等。

    The deep contradiction of our society is being exposed gradually along with the reform developing in depth .

  26. 近年来,国内注册会计师执业环境恶化,审计市场处于过度竞争状态。

    As the engagement environment of CPAs deteriorates , there is excessive competition among accounting firms in China .

  27. 中国西北地区地处内陆,干旱少雨,生态环境恶化。

    China 's Northwest areas are located in the arid inland with the rare rainfall and wicked environment .

  28. 近年来,中国环境恶化问题严重,它是各种因素共同作用的结果。

    In recent years , Chinese environment is worsened heavily , and it is the result of many determinants .

  29. 针对这些问题,提出改善景区环境恶化的对策。

    Aiming at these problems , the countermeasures of controlling the environmental worsen of scenic spots are put forward .

  30. 环境恶化→绿洲退化→环境更坏→绿洲再退化,甚至消失。

    Environmental deterioration → degradation of oases → environment getting even worse → re degradation of oases , even disappearing .