
  • 网络now after
  1. 这是确保我们现在及以后都会幸福的唯一有效途径。

    This is the only effectual way to secure our present and future happiness .

  2. 他现在和以后都不会成功。

    He never has been and never will be successful .

  3. 现在和以后你随便你的聪明注意吧。

    You drop by every now and then with a bright idea .

  4. 我现在是以后也会是

    I have always been and will continue to be

  5. 您可以现在或者以后再选择运行初始索引。

    You may choose to run the initial index , now or at a later date .

  6. 同样的,在你们的感知里也只有三个时刻――以前、现在和以后。

    Similarly , there are three moments in your perception & before , now , and after .

  7. 我犯了一个让我很后悔的错误,不过我现在知道以后要怎么做了。

    I made some mistakes that I regret , but I now know how I would better handle the situation .

  8. 用户唯一需要进行干预的是决定是否愿意现在或以后安装新的更新。

    The only user interaction necessary is whether or not they want to install the new updates now or later .

  9. 我想要你知道,我不想让你一个人,现在和以后都一样

    I want you to know that I don 't want you to be alone , not now and not ever .

  10. 纽约大学日前宣布,该校医学院将对所有现在和以后的学生免收学费。

    The New York University School of Medicine will provide free tuition for all present and future students , the university announced .

  11. 你有必要弄清你的电脑现在和以后的功能,这样你就会使用它而不是害怕它。

    It is necessary that you understand your present or future personal computer so that you can use rather than fear it .

  12. 米兰官方网站最新消息:米兰现在和以后都不会引进新的守门员。

    MILAN - Milan officially announce that they are not interested in signing new keepers : neither at present , nor in the next future .

  13. 然而,近年来西北地区各种人才加速流失,严重影响着本地区现在及以后的发展。

    In recent years , however , it affected the development of the native area seriously that all kinds of talented pension in northwest region accelerate to run off .

  14. 很明显,就算在云端,灾难恢复计划也是必须的,架构无论现在还是以后,都会是构建基于云的解决方案的必备内容,这并不是什么新鲜观点。

    Clearly , a Disaster Recovery plan is not optional even in the Cloud , and Architecture is and will remain essential for building Cloud-based solutions , this is not new .

  15. 在此,为了让你现在以及以后的日子里享受到减肥以及保持身材的乐趣,你需要把这些贴士铭记于心。

    In this regard there are some tips and pointers that you will want to keep in mind so that you can enjoy healthy weight loss and weight maintenance today and into the future .

  16. 教师实践性知识是指教师在教学实践中,通过反思日常的教学活动而逐渐积累而成的对现在以及以后的教育教学活动富有个性的见解和信念。

    Teachers ' practical knowledge refers that during teaching practices , teachers rethink the daily teaching activities profoundly , shape some personal views and beliefs gradually which will influence the present and future educational activities .

  17. 欧元区成员国诉诸非常规举措和创新思维,以遏制金融危机,同时信誓旦旦地表示,不管现在还是以后,都决不会任由欧元走向失败。

    Euro members resorted to unorthodox measures and innovative thinking to contain the financial crisis , while stressing very clearly that letting the currency fail was not , and would never be , an option .

  18. 即使我要和她说,也不用现在吧以后还能见,有的是时间哪儿有?

    If I were gonna tell her , I don 't have to do it now . Okay ? I 'll be seeing her again . We 've got time . No , you don 't.

  19. 向参加者保证,如果一些词或概念他们不理解,你开展研究的同时会抽出时间解释,他们可以现在或以后提问。

    Assure the participant that if they do not understand some of the words or concepts , that you will take time to explain them as you go along and that they can ask questions now or later .

  20. 作为对我国曾经进行的新闻立法实践的理性总结,文章首次从分析新闻法草案着手,探讨了其间的长短得失和对现在及以后的立法活动的启示;

    As a rational summery to the historical journalistic legislation in China , the article , for the first time , probes into the drafts of the press law in the past , discussing their aspiring sides and shortcomings and , their use for further reference .

  21. 无论以前,现在,还是以后,他总是卑鄙下贱的。

    He was , still is and will always be mean .

  22. 不过现在这些东西以后都用不上了。

    But those Greek genes are gonna kick in any day now .

  23. 你要现在还是等以后结清欠账?

    Do you want to square up now or later ?

  24. 帕奇维克式的木桩战现在很少,以后也一样。

    There are very few Patchwerk-like encounters and that will continue to be the case .

  25. 也许现在为沉船以后做好打算才是明智的。

    It would be wise to be planning now for what to do if it sinks .

  26. 不管我们现在做还是以后做,这件事总是得做的。

    Whether we do it now or later , it 's got to be done some time .

  27. 将来你就会知道,现在念书,以后你就有饭吃了。

    When you grow up , you will find out that reading now will give you food later .

  28. 其次,它们的影响必须能被大多数人感受到,即使现在没有,以后也一定会。

    Their impact was felt , if not right away then eventually , by a large portion of humanity .

  29. 你会马上去做一些如果现在不做以后也许就永远也没有机会去做的事情。

    How you would go instantly and do the thing which you might never have another chance to do !

  30. 您可现在或在以后用“新建区域向导”创建一个或多个正向搜索区域。

    You can create one or more forward lookup zones now or create them later by using the new zone wizard .