
  • 网络RACHEL;RACHAEL;Rachel McAdams
  1. 瑞秋的出现可能是因为一种叫做Facemail的新技术。

    Rachel could be there because of a new technology called Facemail .

  2. 前几天我打开电子邮件时,一个漂亮的女人瑞秋出现在我的电脑屏幕上。

    When I opened my e-mail the other day , Rachel , a pretty woman , appeared on my computer screen .

  3. 在这个只有一期的特别节目中,情景喜剧《老友记》原班主演马修·派瑞(钱德勒)、詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(瑞秋)、柯特妮·考克斯(莫妮卡)、丽莎·库卓(菲比)、马特·勒布朗(乔伊)和大卫·修蒙(罗斯)齐聚一堂。

    The special one-off show brought together the sitcom 's original cast of Matthew Perry ( Chandler ) , Jennifer Aniston ( Rachel ) , Courteney Cox ( Monica ) , Lisa Kudrow ( Phoebe ) , Matt LeBlanc ( Joey ) and David Schwimmer ( Ross ) .

  4. 瑞秋开玩笑,在公司给Tag写了一份评价,充满性暗示,结果意外的被送到了人事部门。

    At work , Rachel writes a joke evaluation of Tag , full of sexual comments , which accidentally gets sent to the Human Resources department .

  5. 在接受《卫报》(TheGuardian)采访时,编剧之一大卫·克拉尼表示,两位主演在表演瑞秋和乔伊亲密的时候都很无语。

    In an interview with The Guardian , co-creator David Crane spoke of the costars " reticence in taking on a Rachel / Joey coupling .

  6. 在第七季最后一集《再见》当中,瑞秋嫁给了相恋已久的由帕特里克·J·亚当饰演的男友麦克·罗斯。

    In the final episode of season seven , which is titled " Good-Bye , " Rachel marries her longtime boyfriend Mike Ross , played by Patrick J Adams .

  7. 但在创作人看到大卫·修蒙(DavidSchimmer,罗斯的扮演者)和珍妮佛·安妮斯顿(JenniferAniston,瑞秋的扮演者)之间的化学反应后,就决定开始发展罗斯与瑞秋之间的浪漫爱情故事线。

    The creators decided to begin a romantic storyline arc between Ross and Rachel when they saw the chemistry between David Schimmer and Jennifer Aniston .

  8. Paul勒令罗斯停止约会女儿;罗斯和依丽莎白秘密潜往她祖母的别墅去过周末;碰巧Paul也带着瑞秋去了那里。

    Paul tells Ross to stop dating Elizabeth ; Ross and Elizabeth go away for a secret weekend at her grandmother 's cabin , but Paul and Rachel show up there as well .

  9. A.J.:这是瑞秋学校的一个笔记本。

    A.J. : It 's a note from Rachel 's school .

  10. 同时品牌UrbanOutfitters推出的一件粉色T恤,衣服上印有瑞秋、菲比和莫妮卡的照片,这款衣服已经售完。H&M出品的相关周边也已经售罄。

    Meanwhile , Urban Outfitters has sold out of a pink t-shirt with a picture of Rachel , Phoebe and Monica , and H & M 's offering is also out of stock .

  11. 瑞秋下不了手,而且她和菲比还跟Erin成了好朋友,并且安排乔伊再度跟她约会。

    Not only can 't Rachel do it , but she and Phoebe become friends with Erin and arrange for Joey to go out with her again .

  12. 因饰演可爱的瑞秋·格林而一直被人们所熟识的安妮斯顿依旧获得了Aveeno(艾维诺,美国强生公司的下属公司)及Smartwater(可口可乐高端瓶装水品牌)等几家公司的重要代言合同。

    Forever recognizable as the lovable Rachel Green , Aniston continues to score major endorsement deals with companies like Aveeno and Smartwater .

  13. 瑞秋:我不是在告诉你怎么做!

    Rachel : I 'm not telling you what to do !

  14. 瑞秋:天哪,很抱歉。

    Rachel : Oh God . I 'm sorry about this .

  15. 瑞秋:哦,哦,这真是一个危险的小把戏。

    Rachel : Oh-oh , that 's a risky little game !

  16. 瑞秋:哦,是我和拉普!

    Rachel : Ohh , it 's me and La Poo !

  17. 瑞秋:这都是罗斯的主意。

    Rachel : Well , it was all Ross 's idea .

  18. 瑞秋很高兴自己实现了梦想。

    Rachel was very pleased with herself for fulfilling her dreams .

  19. 当我听说瑞秋姑妈过世的时候。

    When I got the news that Aunt Rachel had died .

  20. 布鲁克,瑞秋是我们最好的队员。

    Brooke , rachel 's the best cheerleader we 've got .

  21. 你现在真的很美,瑞秋。

    You know , you 're really beautiful now , rachel .

  22. 瑞秋西蒙在美国《石板》杂志上则发表了不同看法。

    In Slate magazine , Rachel Simmons has the opposite view .

  23. 瑞秋,你还在找房子吗?

    Rach , uh , you still looking for a place ?

  24. 我的朋友中,谁和我的关系是像瑞秋和莫妮卡那样?

    Who among my friends is the Rachel to my Monica ?

  25. 他忽然跟瑞秋走得很近。

    He 's gotten all buddy-buddy with that escort wannabe rachel .

  26. 你需要的是“恐惧”。瑞秋:恐惧?

    You need the fear . 1 Rachel : The fear ?

  27. 瑞秋,他完全改变了时空。

    MONICA : Rachel , he like , totally changed time .

  28. 神奇8号球,我是不是不该再见瑞秋?

    Magic 8 Ball ...... should I never see Rachel again ?

  29. 瑞秋:却值得你为她破坏我们的感情!

    Rachel : And yet she was worth jeopardizing our relationship !

  30. 瑞秋的爸爸是做哪一行的?

    What does rachel 's dad do for a living anyway ?