
  • 网络productivity
  1. 异源表达NADH选择性氧化酶提高光滑球拟酵母酵解速率及丙酮酸生产强度

    Significantly increase of glycolytic flux and pyruvate productivity in Torulopsis glabrata by heterologous expression of NADH alternative oxidase

  2. 研究结果表明:采用经液化处理的工业淀粉培养基进行发酵,MTG酶活、MTG生产强度及MTG产率分别比未用液化淀粉培养基提高了32%,32%和70%;

    The result showed that MTG activity , MTG productivity and MTG yield increased by 32 % , 32 % and 70 % , respectively compared with the production from medium with unliquified starch . Gradual scale up principals were studied during the process of MTG pilot production .

  3. 指出双塔并联工艺对于PVC装置生产强度、产品质量的提高和操作控制的优化等都有重要的意义。

    It pointed that double-tower and parallel connection process had significances on several aspects , including production intensity of PVC units , improvement of products quality and optimization of operation control .

  4. 选用JR型氨合成塔内件,能提高合成生产强度,有利于提高合成余热回收率。

    Use of Model JR converter internals leads to an increase in the productivity of the converter , favorable to improvement on recovery of waste heat from the synthesis section .

  5. 在小试实验中,低醇葡萄酒和高醇白兰地的平均生产强度分别是4830和780mL/(m2·h)。

    The average total permeation flux reached 1455 g / ( m 2 · h ) . In the miniature industry experiment , the throughput of new low-alcohol wine and high-alcohol brandy reached 4830 and 780 mL / ( m 2 · h ) respectively .

  6. 在丙酮酸发酵过程中28h时,向发酵液中添加1.0g/L脯氨酸,丙酮酸浓度,生产强度和产率分别提高22.1%、38.4%和14.3%。

    By addition of proline during pyruvate production , the concentration , productivity and yield of pyruvate increased 22.1 % , 38.4 % , and 14.3 % , respectively .

  7. 以高产量、高产率、高生产强度为目标的发酵过程优化技术

    Optimization of fermentation process for achieving high product concentration , high yield and high productivity

  8. 目的:提高大豆糖浆转化为酒精的生产强度和转化率。

    Objective : To produce ethanol from soybean sirup with high productivity and conversion efficiency .

  9. 数值优化结果表明,在最优控制下1,3&丙二醇的终端生产强度明显被增大。

    The numerical optimization results show that the terminal intensity of producing 1,3-propanediol has been increased obviously under the condition of using the optimal control .

  10. 使用此技术可以得到高纯度的木糖(99.84%)和木糖醇(99.96%)产品溶液,并大大提高了生产强度。

    The purity of xylose and xylitol was 99.84 % and 99.96 % by this technique , respectively . Also the production intensity was improved largely .

  11. 从理论上说明可以通过最优控制模型,找到使1,3-丙二醇生产强度最大的操作条件。

    It shows , in theory , by the optimal control model , we can find the optimal operating conditions under which the production strength of 1,3-PD will attain the maximum .

  12. 维持较低的发酵温度可以在发酵后期提供稳定的产酸能力,但菌体代谢缓慢,后期胞内NADH/NAD+水平较高,丙酮酸生产强度降低。

    But the disadvantages are lower cell growth and higher level of NADH / NAD + + in vivo during the anaphase of fermentation , which leads to lower productivity inevitably .

  13. 目前许多研究聚焦在采用木质纤维素水解液进行发酵,然而这些研究中2,3-丁二醇浓度、生产强度都无法与葡萄糖发酵结果相比。

    Nowadays , many research efforts have focused on using low price substrates lignocellulosic hydrolysate to produce the 2,3-butanediol . However , both the 2,3-butanediol concentration and the productivity were lower than those of glucose .

  14. 甘油处于限制状态、稀释率为0.1h-1的连续发酵中,有氧发酵1,3丙二醇的转化率和生产强度均高于厌氧发酵。

    In the continuous culture at a dilution rate of 0.1 h - 1 and glycerin limitation , both yield and productivity of 1,3 PD under microaerobic condition were higher than that under anaerobic condition .

  15. 新型的整体式反应器具有床层压降低、传质效率高、容易放大和生产强度大等优点,成为替代传统多相反应器的一个有吸引力的选择。

    The new type of multi-phase reactors , monolithic reactor with lower pressure drop , high rate of mass transfer , easy to enlarge and the higher production strength is an attractive alternative to the traditional reactor .

  16. 我国独立自主开发“中和料浆浓缩法磷铵工艺”的初期,针对该工艺的缺点曾有“酸耗高、设备生产强度低、能耗高”的观点。

    In the initial stage of the slurry concentrated process for ammonium phosphate developed independently in China , the process was reproached with " high sulfuric acid consumption , low equipment production intensity and high energy consumption " .

  17. 发酵过程补加豆油罐的红霉素效价、生产强度和Yp/s比不补豆油的分别提高了69.7%、69.6%和63.8%。

    The final production , production capacity and Y_ ( p / s ) of erythromycin were improved 69.7 % , 69.6 % and 63.8 % , respectively , in 15L bioreactor with added soybean oil during fermentation .

  18. 利用普碳钢的化学成分,通过工艺改进生产强度翻番的超级钢,是钢铁领域令人瞩目的新进展。

    It is a new and exciting progress in steel production , using the same chemical composition with plain carbon steel , and by means of improving the rolling and cooling technology , to increase the yield stress doubled .

  19. 近年来,随着矿井生产强度的提高和开采深度的加大,综采面瓦斯涌出量逐年增大,特别是采空区瓦斯涌出更为突出。

    In recent years , the value of gas emission from mining working face increases largely , especially , the gas emission from goaf is more outstanding , along with enhancement in the intensity of mine production and enlargement in the depth of mine exploitation .

  20. 废弃了固定绝热段高度的不合理计算方法,给定绝热段出口温度,计算床层体积和生产强度、温度浓度分布,优化床层入口温度。

    The unreasonable calculation by the fixed depth of adiabatic stage is discarded . After the temperature of adiabatic stage exit is decided , the bed volume , the productive strength and the distribution of temperature and concentration are all calculated and the temperature of the bed inlet is optimized .

  21. 用低碳SiMnV系热轧双相钢棒材生产高强度紧固件的研究

    A Study of Using ■ Rolled Dual Phase Steel of Low Carbon-Si-Mn-V Series to Make High Strength Fastening Piece

  22. 目前,在EAF-CSP流程中通过V-N微合金化技术可成功生产屈服强度为550MPa的高强度低合金钢。

    The V-N microalloy steel with yield strength of 550 MPa is produced by EAF-CSP route .

  23. 在实验室工作基础上于工业氮化炉内于1450℃左右氮化烧成,生产出强度高,热震稳定性和抗渣性能良好的SiAlON结合刚玉质透气砖。

    The SiAlON-bonded corundum purging plugs with high strength , good thermal shock resistance and slag resistance were produced fired at 1450 ℃ in industrial nitriding furnace based on the laboratory experiment .

  24. 本文阐述了CSP轧制工艺参数对产品性能的影响,分析了CSP产品性能控制特点,据此提出解决生产高强度集装箱板性能偏低的办法。

    The paper expatiates technological parameter in rolling affecting on properties of products , and analyses on property controlling characteristic of products of CSP , then offers resolving measures of lower property of high strength container strip .

  25. 研究了在昆钢特有的双机架紧凑式炉卷轧机上开发和生产高强度汽车大梁钢K610L的工艺。

    Process of developing and producing high strength steel for automobile frames ( K610L ) by the compact double stands Steckel mill , which owned only by KISC ( Kunming Iron and Steel Group Co.

  26. 射孔对生产套管强度的影响规律研究

    Study on the effect of perforation on the strength of casing

  27. 炉卷轧机生产高强度微合金钢

    Production of high strength microalloyed steel by means of Steckel mill

  28. 使用氮化钒铁合金生产高强度钢筋的工业试验

    Industrial experiment of producing high-strength reinforcement metal with nitrided ferrovanadium

  29. 麦草H-X-ACMP是生产高强度瓦楞纸板的良好原料。

    H-X - ACMP could be sued to the paperboard of higher strength .

  30. 覆砂金属型生产高强度铸态汽车球铁曲轴

    Production of High Strength As-cast Automobile Ductile Iron Crankshaft with Sand-liened Metallic Mold