
  • 网络biomass
  1. 生物质原料的酶解及其在制浆造纸工业中的应用

    Biodegradation of Plant Biomass and the Application in Pulping and Papermaking

  2. 在这些应用或自然现象中,生物质原料的含水率会随原料来源、气候和环境等有很大不同,较常见的含水率变化范围为绝干到湿基含水率为30%。

    In these utilization or natural phenomenon , the moisture content of biomass is varied with the source of raw materials , climate and environment . It ranges from0to30 % commonly .

  3. 发现过高的0含量会造成生物质原料的最佳气化温度相较于煤偏低,比一般的陆生植物拥有更高的H含量和较低的0含量的微藻在这方面表现稍好。

    It is found that high O content of biomass feedstock will result in the optimal gasification temperature lower compared to coal , and microalgae with a higher H-content and lower O content is slightly better in this regard than terrestrial plants .

  4. 采用范式洗涤纤维法对不同种类生物质原料的组成成分进行了测定。

    We use Van Soest abstersion fibre to determine different biomass component .

  5. 生物质原料稀酸预处理水解液中发酵抑制物研究进展

    Research Advance in Fermentation Inhibitors in Biomass Hydrolysate Pretreated by Diluted Acid

  6. 生物质原料常压快速液化特性研究

    Study on the Properties of Biomass Materials Relation to Fast Liquefaction under Atmospheric Pressure

  7. 石油炼厂加工纤维素/木质纤维素生物质原料的前景

    Prospects of Processing Biofeeds in Petroleum Refineries : Part ⅱ, Using Cellulosic / Lignocellulosic Biomass

  8. 几种生物质原料厌氧发酵制取沼气能量转换效率的比较

    Study on the Energy Conversion Efficiency of Biogas from Anaerobic Fermentation with Several Biomass Materials

  9. 结果表明,由于各种生物质原料的组成及结构不同,热解煤气中,焦油含量存在较大差异。

    The tar content in the pyrolysis gas varies with the type of biomass feedstock .

  10. 通过对生物质原料成型机理的研究,确定影响其成型效果的主要因素;

    Through the study on biofuel shaping mechanism , we will find the main factor .

  11. 由于大部分生物质原料在开发利用前期都需要进行粉碎加工处理,以便进一步加工利用。

    In order to further processing , the most biomass materials need crushing processing before the development and utilization .

  12. 根据生物质原料的特性和生物质气化工艺的要求,设计了一种生物质原料加料装置&螺旋给料机。

    Based on the biomass characters and technology requirements of biomass gasification , a screw feeder is designed for biomass .

  13. 秸秆储量丰富,且价格低廉,是非常理想的生物质原料。

    Cellulose straw with rich resource and low price is thought to be an ideal raw material for biofuel production .

  14. 蓝藻是一种富含多种有机物质的生物质原料,其利用值得深入研究。

    Blue algae is a kind of biomass resources with variety of useful material , which is worthy of intensive study .

  15. 指出了生物质原料气化反应工艺的关键是维持反应层的稳定,针对秸秆类低品质原料的性质,提出了气化器工艺设计的要点。

    Depending on the properties of the crop straw and stalk , some measures to design a satisfactory gasification process are suggested .

  16. 论述了在锥形流态化气化炉内,对生物质原料进行气化和催化气化的工程化应用试验研究。

    Industrial technology of gasification and catalytic gasification of biomass with inner recycled conical ( fluidized ) bed as gasifier was discussed .

  17. 糠醛又名呋喃甲醛,是一种重要的有机化工原料和化学溶剂,主要由玉米芯等生物质原料水解制得。

    Furfural , a kind of important organic chemical material and solvent , is mainly hydrolyzed from agricultural byproducts , such as corncobs .

  18. 本文首先采用热重分析技术对聚丙烯和四种生物质原料进行了热解以及聚丙烯和毛竹的共热解研究,分析了原料在热解过程中的不同变化规律。

    The thermal behaviour of polypropylene , biomass and the PP / Phyllostachys pubescens mixture were firstly studied by thermogravimetry ( TG ) .

  19. 分析了生物质原料的化学和物理性质,指出了原料性质对固定床气化器中反应过程的影响。

    The chemical and physical properties of biomass materials and their influence for the react process in a solid bed gasifier were analyzed .

  20. 另一种是以生物质原料通过气化合成生产汽油、喷气燃料和柴油,重点是开发生物质气化技术,降低生产成本。

    The key to a wider use of this type of technology is to developing biomass gasification technology and to reducing cost of production .

  21. 木质纤维素为可再生生物质原料,采用酶解法以木质纤维素为原料制糖发酵生产乙醇,必须对木质纤维进行预处理。

    Lignocellulose , as renewable biomass , could be used as raw materials to produce ethanol by enzymolysis . However , lignocellulose must undergo pretreatment .

  22. 目前,生物质能开发利用的多数技术,都需要对生物质原料进行一定的粉碎加工预处理,所以生物原料的粉碎是生物质能开发利用技术中不可缺少的重要环节。

    The most biomass materials need crushing processing before the development and utilization . So it is extraordinarily important to biomass energy research and develop .

  23. 在我国,生物能源是对传统化石能源的重要补充,干燥工艺则是生物质原料处理过程中的重要环节。

    In China , biomass energy is an important supplement to traditional fossil energy . Drying is an important part in the processing of biomass material .

  24. 生物质原料中过多的水分往往会延迟热解反应、增加供热成本和破坏热解液化产物的稳定性。

    Too much moisture in raw materials always leads to delay pyrolysis reaction , increase the heating cost and destruct the stability of pyrolysis liquid products .

  25. 一般而言,粉碎后的生物质原料粒度越细,后期加工利用(如致密成型、制取生物燃油)效果越好。

    The thinner the particle-size of biomass materials is , the better the processing will be utilized ( such as compact shape , make up biofuels ) .

  26. 生物质原料的散粒体特性对流化床反应器以及整个装置系统的设计都是非常必要的,它们也是生物质热裂解实验研究过程中的重要影响因素。

    These characters of biomass materiel are very important for designing fluidized bed and all system , and they are important affecting factor for the pyrolysis process too .

  27. 用几种生物质原料进行了水蒸汽流化条件下的常压气化实验。

    Gasification experiments of several types of biomass were conducted in an atmospheric steam fluidized bed gasifier , which biomass samples were fed into continuously and without residue discharge .

  28. 秸秆气化技术,是在鼓风机的作用下,将秸秆等生物质原料在高温状态下热解气化、能量转换过程。

    The technology of stalk gasification low inhaling is a technology that converts biological materials such as straw into energy by a air blower in a high temperature state .

  29. 主要介绍了目前国内外利用淀粉、松香、植物油、纤维素、木质素等生物质原料用于合成聚氨酯泡沫塑料的研究进展。

    This paper mainly introduced the research and development of polyurethane foams , based on starch , rosin , plant oil , lignin and cellulose both at home and abroad .

  30. 通过对生物质原料的力学分析,设计了开式成型的变径成型锥头。

    Through the mechanical analysis of biomass materials , we designed a variable-diameter conical head with the open molding and verified our results using small wood shavings , sawdust and so on .