
  • 网络Stream Of Life;Life Stream
  1. 这无关乎你转世化身的次数,以及你灵魂的血统,假如你在此生命之流中无法协调。

    It matters not how many incarnations you have had and what your soul 's lineage may be if you cannot harmonise it all in this life stream .

  2. 本文将中国新文学看成是新文化的生命之流,并运用视界融合的阐释学观点,从本体特征、阐释形态与当下语境对新文学的生命系统进行了动态考察。

    The thesis makes a dynamic inspect to the noumenal characteristic , explanatory form and instant context of the life system of the New Literature , which look on the New Literature as the life stream of the New Culture , and using the view of " horizon merge " .

  3. 我所说的生命之流的原理,便是这个意思。

    That is what I mean by the " stream-of-life " theory .

  4. 每当我来到泉边饮水,我发现那生命之流也在干渴;

    That whenever I come to the fountain to drink I find the living water itself thirsty ;

  5. 以家族制度中的生命之流的原理而言,永生差不多是看得见的,摸得到的。

    According to the stream-of-life theory as seen in the family system , immortality is almost visible and touchable .

  6. 它随著草昧时代开始,而必定会和未来的生命之流汇合。

    It began with the dawn of history and is certain to join the flow of a life which is yet to come .

  7. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫认为死亡并不会切断生命之流,而是生命通向永恒世界的一个步骤。

    In her view , death can not cut the stream of life , but is rather a step to the world of eternity .

  8. 朋友,你也不是更喜欢看那急激的,奔放的,你们四川瞿塘峡的急流吗?那也是象征生命之流的。

    Friends , you must admire even more the swift rolling rapids of the Qutang Gorge in Sichuan Province . That , too , is symbolic of the torrent of life .

  9. 在某人谴责其父母的当下,他就不再与生命的之流有联结了。

    Because as soon as somebody accuses his parents , he is no longer in connection with the flow of life .

  10. 它肯定着人的生命意义和价值,表现着自由生命特别是内在精神生命,充分荡漾着生命之流。

    It affirms the life significance and value of man , represents free life especially inherent spiritual life , and is full of the stream of life .