
shēng tǔ
  • Raw soil;immature soil
生土 [shēng tǔ]
  • [immature soil]没有经过治理、不适于耕作的土壤

生土[shēng tǔ]
  1. 五行相生的次序是:木生火,火生土,土生金,金生水,水生木。

    Aioi the order of five elements : wood fire , the fire immature soil , native gold , the water , aquatic trees .

  2. 生土民居是劳动人民在生产力尚不发达的情况下,结合当地气候、地质和地域材料等自然条件的杰出营造。

    For the use of labouring people under the circumstance of undeveloped productivity , the traditional buildings of immature soil are the outstanding building integrating with local climate , geology and material and other natural conditions .

  3. 生土带防火线在防止森林火灾方面虽有些作用,但收效甚微。在生土带上栽种10~15m宽的耐火树种,形成生物防火林带,防火功能更好,而且经济效益显著。

    Plantation of fire protection tree species in immature soil fire line for 10 ~ 15 meters could form a biological fire trace with better fire protection effect and economic benefit .

  4. 可选择竹木锚杆、PS-C浆液灌浆加固生土遗址,锚杆的单位锚固力可采用5kN/m;

    With bamboo-wood anchor and PS-C grouting , the anchoring unit power of wood can be adopted 5 kN / m by test .

  5. 移植与共生:一种嬗变的生土民居保护思想

    Transplant and Symbiosis : Another Way of Protecting the Traditional Dwellings

  6. 洛阳地区生土建筑发展趋势探讨

    Exploration of Development Trend of the Immature Earth Architectures in Luoyang

  7. 汉中市生土建筑现状调查研究与分析

    Present Condition Investigation and Analysis of Raw Soil Building in Hanzhong

  8. 生土建筑围护结构表面吸放湿过程实验研究

    Experimental study on moisture absorption and desorption process of adobe building envelope

  9. 生土工程的改善与发展研究

    Some Researches on the Improvement and Development of Earth Structures

  10. 但他们与上生土长的美国人却不能真正融合。

    However , they were not integrated with native Americans .

  11. 增强土料击/压实性能的试验研究生土结构的土料受压及受剪性能试验研究

    Experiment on shear properties and compressive properties of earth material of raw-soil structure

  12. 但生土材料却难以适应现代使用的需求。

    Adobe material is difficult to adapt to the demand for modern use .

  13. 描述了生土结构房屋的震害情况。

    The construction craft of Raw-soil structure are described .

  14. 黄土地区生土建筑震害特征及防灾对策研究

    Earthquake damage characteristics of raw soil buildings in loess areas and disaster prevention countermeasures

  15. 走向生土建筑的未来

    To the future of the immature soil buildings

  16. 云南彝族新乡村生土民居可持续性设计研究

    A sustainable design of new rural earth buildings for Yi minority in Yunnan Province

  17. 生土带防火线改建生物防火林带初报

    Preliminary Report on Transformation of Fire Line in Immature Soil Belt to Biological Fire Trace

  18. 生土施肥对黍子根系生长及生理生态效应的影响

    Effects of Fertilizing in Immature Soil to Broomcorn Millet Root Growing and Its Physiological Ecology

  19. 中国西北农村生土民居室内环境实测与技术改造研究

    Research on Environmental Test and Technical Reform of Earth Buildings in North-west Part of China

  20. 北方不同作物对深层黄土母质生土的施肥反应

    The Reactions of Different Northern Crops to Fertilization on Deep Loess Parent Material Immature Soil

  21. 生土结构是我国村镇建筑结构一种常用的形式。

    The raw-soil structure is a common form in our country villages and small towns .

  22. 生土条件下冬小麦对氮、磷、钾的原始响应

    Triggering response of winter wheat to nitrogen , phosphorus , and potassium nutrition in raw soil

  23. 淮北生土地区肥料运筹对水稻产量形成及氮素吸收的影响

    Effect of fertilizer supplying method on Yield Formation and N absorption in immature soil in Huaibei

  24. 生土破坏时存在的问题,提出一些改进措施。

    And it proposes some corrective measures to solve the problems in the raw soil destruction .

  25. 生土条件下施肥对小黑麦生长状况及生理功能的影响

    Effects of Different Fertilizer Treatments on the Growth and Physiological Function of Triticale in Raw Soil

  26. 黄土地区农村民房生土建筑墙体材料抗震性能试验研究

    Study on Seismic Resistance Performance of Wall Material Used in Rural Raw-soil Buildings in Loess Area

  27. 河西走廊传统生土民居生态经验及再生设计研究

    Study on the Ecological Experience and Regeneration Design of Traditional Adobe Dwellings in the HeXi Corridor

  28. 然而,随着社会的发展,生土材料现如今面临着新的挑战。

    However , with the development of society , the material now is confronted with new challenges .

  29. 喀什地区土坯民居(广义上也称为生土建筑)也同样面临着这些问题。

    Adobe houses in Kashgar ( earth architecture in broad sense ) were also facing with these problems .

  30. 西北地区古代生土建筑物冻融风蚀机理的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Mechanisms of Freeze-thaw and Wind Erosion of Ancient Adobe Construction in Northwest China