
shēng shēn fù mǔ
  • biological parents;natural parents;birth parents
生身父母[shēng shēn fù mǔ]
  1. 这名祖先持有着造成你在今生为何会选择这特定的生身父母及养育你的家庭的业力。

    This ancestor holds karma at cause of why you chose the particular birth parents and family that you were raised within in this lifetime .

  2. 我的生身父母,我的超能力。

    My biological parents , my ability .

  3. 她试图弄清楚她的生身父母是谁。

    She is trying to find out who her natural parents are .

  4. 她在丹麦的日德兰半岛长大,自2012年开始就一直在寻找自己的生身父母。

    She has been searching for her birth familysince 2012 .

  5. 你知道我的生身父母是谁么?

    Do you know who my real parents are ?

  6. 克里斯蒂娜-惠普尔说。她认为自己有权了解自己的生身父母。

    Says Christine Whipp , her arguments for the right to know her parentage .

  7. 被生身父母所抛弃的孩子。

    Children rejected by their natural parents .

  8. 身为养女,我并不想找到自己的生身父母。

    As for being adopted , I have no desire to find my real parents .

  9. 你们会明白,太阳恰是我们的生身父母。

    You can see that the sun is a kind of father , a kind of mother .

  10. 但是,由于体外授精技术成功率极低,以及在孩子的生身父母与养父母之间会产生有关合法父亲的争执,所以对此项技术的争议仍然存在。

    But controversy remains in the very low success rates in IVF , and in the disputes that can arise over legal paternity between a child 's biological and non-biological parents .

  11. 研究人员拥有关于四位“父母”两位生身父母和两位领养父母的数据,并用它来研究父母教育程度与子女教育程度之间的关联。

    The researchers have data on all four " parents "– two biological and two adoptive – and use it to look at the correlation between the parents'level of education and the child 's.