
jiǎo fū
  • porter;bearer
脚夫 [jiǎo fū]
  • [bearer] 专门为别人搬运物品的人或被人雇佣赶牲口的人

  • 为狩猎远征队服务的土著脚夫们

脚夫[jiǎo fū]
  1. 我和脚夫微笑着你看着我,我看着你。

    The porter and I looked at each other and smiled .

  2. 旅馆的脚夫把他们的行李带到他们的房间。

    The hotel porter carried their suitcases to their room . subdue

  3. 仆人和两个脚夫开始把行李抬上马车。

    The footman and two porters began to load luggage onto the carriage .

  4. 罗达在兴致勃勃地吩咐脚夫搬运行李。

    Rhoda was briskly giving the porter orders about the luggage .

  5. 脚夫提着她的行李送她上了出租车。

    The porter helped her into a taxi with her baggage .

  6. 脚夫把他们的行李(用手推车)推运到汽车。

    The porter trundled their luggage over to the car .

  7. 脚夫摇晃着担架前进时,上校皱起了眉头。

    The Colonel winced as the porters jolted the litter .

  8. 他们的行李全由脚夫搬运。

    Their baggage is all carried by the porter .

  9. 你有没有给脚夫一点钱?

    Did you give something to the porter ?

  10. 那脚夫期待你付小费。

    The porter expects baksheesh from you .

  11. 脚夫对这个水罐说:

    The bearer said to the pot :

  12. 它使卵石变成炮弹,使脚夫成为将军。

    It makes a cannon-ball of a rough stone , and a general of a porter .

  13. 探险队由10个职业登山家和30个本地村庄的脚夫组成。

    The expedition was made up of ten professional climbers and thirty porters from local villages .

  14. 行李太多了,得向脚夫行些小费,才可过去。他便又忙着和他们讲价钱。

    There was quite a bit of luggage and he had to bargain with the porter over the fee .

  15. 他看见她被她母亲、马车夫、女仆和脚夫簇拥着,坐上车,走了。

    He saw her , encircled by mother , footman , maid , and porter , take her seat and drive away .

  16. 上自国王、王后、王子和豪富名女,下至贫苦百姓和牵马的脚夫……所有的人,

    Kings , Queens , Princes , great lords and ladies , poor people , the boys who held the horses ... everyone .

  17. 扶霞推断,某天脚夫给了陈麻婆一些油,让她做些豆腐吃。

    Ms. Dunlop speculates that one day the porters gave Chen Mapo some oil and requested that she make them something with bean curd .

  18. 经过了两年自认为是痛苦的失败后,有一天它在小溪旁对这个运水脚夫说:

    After two years of what it had perceived to be bitter failure , it spoke one day to the water bearer by the stream .

  19. 脚夫的两手插在号衣的口袋里,睡着一般地站着;

    The porters , hands thrust into the pockets of their numbered uniforms , stood motionless as if they had fallen asleep on their feet .

  20. 我的朋友们在繁忙的纽瓦克机场着陆后,他们却不能招呼到脚夫来帮他们搬行李。

    After friends of mine landed at busy Newwark airport , they were unable to attract the attention of any porters to help with their luggage .

  21. 代表曲目有《脚夫调》、《兰花花》、《赶性灵》、《横山下来游击队》、《见面容易拉话难》等。

    Representative song titles are Foot-Sloggers'Tunes , Lanhuahua , Ganshengling , Guerrillas at the Foot of Mount Hengshan and Tongue-tied when I Gaze on that Face .

  22. 根据商旅行程的基本规律,要确保其安全,关键是规范陆路脚夫、水路船户和歇店的法律责任。

    Legal liability To ensure safety , the basic rules and laws governing business travel established norms regarding the legal responsibilities of porters , boatmen and innkeepers .

  23. 外面,脚夫和小贩在喊叫,近车门处一个嗓音很高的女人在说话,那一定是她的姑妈了。

    Outside , there was the shouting of porters and vendors and , near the carriage door , a highpitched female voice that must have belonged to the girl 's aunt .

  24. 万福桥位于成都北门外,正好是运送菜籽油(一种菜油,四川仍在使用)的脚夫们途经之路。

    Wanfu Qiao sat outside the city wall 's north gate , along a route traversed by laborers lugging rapeseed oil ( a type of vegetable oil still used in Sichuan ) to market .

  25. 为了迎合现代的农夫和脚夫斗争模式,黑龙公主做了一些调整。但是!原来的战斗体验将会保留,深呼吸的秒杀快感仍然存在。

    Adjustments have been made to the encounter to keep it fit for modern raiding , but the fundamental experience of fighting the Brood Mother will remain , as will the horror of the Deep Breaths !

  26. 但是当行程结束时,它仍然为自己漏了一半的水而感到难过。所以它又一次因为自己的失败而向脚夫道歉。

    But , at the end of the trail , it still felt bad because it had still leaked half of its load , and so again the pot apologized to the bearer for its failure .

  27. 脚夫为这个破旧的水罐感到难过,心里产生了同情,说道:“当我们返回主人家的时候,我会让你注意到路边那些美丽的花儿。”

    The water bearer felt sorry for the cracked pot , and in his , he said , " As we return to the masters house , I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path . "

  28. 这女学生提着她的行李,在站台外东张西望了一会,看不见有接她的人,就找了一个脚夫背着行李,向她要去的杨庄走去。

    The girl student carrying the luggage stood outside the station , looking round , but apparently no one had come to meet her . Then , she asked a porter to carry her luggage and went to Yang Zhuang .