
jiǎo yìn
  • footprint;step;print;track;footmark;pedograph
脚印 [jiǎo yìn]
  • [step] 脚踏过的痕迹。多喻走过的路,留下的事迹

脚印[jiǎo yìn]
  1. 脚印可能只是幻象。

    Perhaps the footprint was a hallucination .

  2. 她盯着脚印,内心充满了恐惧。

    She was staring at the footprint , full of fear .

  3. 别在我干净的地板上踩上泥脚印。

    Don 't track mud on my clean floor .

  4. 雪地里没有留下新的车辙或脚印。

    There were no fresh car tracks or footprints in the snow

  5. 地面上仍然留有他们的脚印。

    The ground still bore the imprints of their feet .

  6. 厚厚的尘土中他的脚印清晰易见。

    His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust

  7. 为了看能否找到什么脚印,我做了一番小小的侦察。

    I did a little sleuthing to see if I could find any footprints .

  8. 所有的脚印都清晰可见。

    All the footmarks are quite sharp and clear

  9. 他想要跟着杰克在雪中留下的脚印走,却让一块石头绊倒了。

    He tried to follow Jack 's footsteps in the snow and tripped on a rock

  10. 它沿着脚印向前爬,在地面上嗅着,追踪着路上留下的气味。

    He crawled from print to print , sniffing at the earth , following the scent left in the tracks .

  11. 我在地板上铺了白色小地毯,但大家都不敢往上踩,以免在上面留下脚印。

    I had white rugs on the floor , but people were scared to tread on them in case they marked .

  12. 他肯定是从这条路走过去的,这里有他的脚印。

    He must have passed this way , for here are his footprints .

  13. 他蹲在脚印旁仔细地观察。

    He squatted down beside the footprints and examined them closely .

  14. 从沙子里可以看出他的脚印。

    The depression of his feet could be seen in the sand .

  15. 但脚印痕迹可能会变得泥泞,朝着不同的方向消失。

    But footsteps can be muddied and they can go off in different directions .

  16. 但有一天,他在沙滩上发现了一些大脚印。

    But one day , he finds some large footprints in the sand .

  17. 结果,他走得越快,留下的脚印就越多;

    So he ran faster and faster , and left more and more footprints .

  18. 很多时候,一步一个脚印地去做事比试图一步到位要更稳妥更有效。

    Sometimes it 's better to take baby steps rather than a giant leap1 .

  19. 我刚才站在一个脚印里!

    I was standing inside a footprint !

  20. 他自己却认为甩不开影子和脚印是跑得太慢,于是更加拼命往前跑,最后终于因用尽力气而累死在路上。

    But he thought it was because he did not run fast enough . Then he ran forward even faster . In the end he died of exhaustion2 on the road .

  21. 多元Logistic回归分析在基于黑客脚印的入侵检测中的应用

    MLSI-Based Intrusion Detection Using Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis

  22. Tracks是你留在地上的脚印,所以当你说maketracks,它表示留下一排脚印,离开。

    Tracks are the footprints you leave on the ground , so when you say make tracks , it means to leave a trail of footprints and leave .

  23. 而且,这款C2还采用了明亮的色彩和设计,比如采用了亮红色以及动物脚印的形状。

    What 's more , the Taser C2 comes in strong colors and designs , like bright red and animal prints .

  24. 与此同时,迈威尔公司已在其加州圣克拉拉(SantaClara,California)的总部开展了一项名为“零脚印”(FootprintZero)的活动,旨在使公司的各项运作做到碳中立。

    At its Santa Clara , California , headquarters , meanwhile , Marvell has embarked on a campaign dubbed " Footprint Zero " to gradually make its company operations carbon-neutral .

  25. 用对数据处理能力极强的Matlab作为主要的开发工具,经过训练和泛化,证明基于RBF神经网络的模式识别是能准确判断出脚印的。

    Then , using of data-processing ability of Matlab as a major development tool , we can prove that RBF neural network-based pattern recognition is to accurately determine the footprints by training and generalization .

  26. “IZ”在哈萨克语中意为“脚印”,它象征着乐队对于传统的探究与反思。

    In Kazakh language , IZ means " footprint ", a symbol that the band is probing and reflecting on the tradition .

  27. 再根据二维与三维地震剖面对比、两步法F-K滤波处理、相干体检测、制作沿层切片、与相邻工区对比等,排除了采集脚印的可能。

    Comparing 2-D and 3-D cross line , filtering two steps F-K , scanning seismic coherency cube and time slices , and contrasting with adjacent area show that the probability of seismic footprint could be negated .

  28. 我的旅游手册指引我前往望安岛上最知名的景点——位于半山腰玄武岩石上的一个“脚印”,传说这是八仙中的吕洞宾(LuDongbin)蹲此小便留下的。

    My guidebook directed me to the most famous sight on Wang'an , a " footprint " in a piece of basalt halfway up a hill which , legend has it , was formed when Lu Dongbin , one of China 's eight immortals , squatted here to urinate .

  29. 我们用辛勤和汗水填满每一个脚印!

    We will fill each footprint with our hardworking and sweat !

  30. 我们得选定跟随哪一组脚印走。

    We had to choose which set of prints to follow .