
  1. 脚本编写和以Java作为系统语言

    Scripting and Java as the system language

  2. 您获得了Java平台的所有功能,并且能通过快速上手脚本编写对其进行控制。

    You get all the power of the Java platform , and you can control it via quick-and-dirty scripting .

  3. 可以使用定义Springbean的语法设置用脚本编写的对象的属性。

    You set properties on scripted objects using the same syntax you normally use when defining Spring beans .

  4. GUI应用程序级别的脚本编写是一个棘手的问题,超出了本文的范围。

    GUI application-level scripting is a hard problem beyond the scope of this article .

  5. ASP作为目前一种比较成熟的服务器端脚本编写环境,在网页制作中得到广泛的应用。

    ASP , as a ripe script editing environment , is used widely in making web pages .

  6. 检索activex脚本编写引擎列表时出现问题。

    There was a problem retrieving the list of ActiveX scripting engines .

  7. 而且,这个例子展示了Ruby在简化脚本编写需求方面有多强大。

    Also , it shows how powerful Ruby can be to greatly simplify such scripting requirements .

  8. 除了拥有AIXWorkloadPartitions的专业知识外,他感兴趣的技术还包括基于Web应用程序的脚本编写和开发。

    Apart from his expertise in AIX Workload Partitions , his technical interests include scripting and developing web based applications .

  9. 您还看到了配置用脚本编写的Groovy对象的一些不同的方式。

    You 've also seen several different ways to configure scripted Groovy objects .

  10. 如这段代码所示,可以通过用脚本编写的bean根据系统属性选择不同的实现。

    As this snippet shows , you could use a scripted bean to select a different implementation based on a system property .

  11. Python是一种易于学习的开放源代码脚本编写语言,它使得系统管理员能够更快速地完成工作。

    Python is an easy-to-learn , open source scripting language that lets system administrators do their job more quickly .

  12. 现在,您已经有了一个简单的例子,接下来让我们更深入一点,探索C语言中Scheme脚本编写的其他元素。

    Now that you have a simple example under your belt , let 's dig in a little further to explore some of the other elements of Scheme scripting within the C language .

  13. 但只要openfile(x)能打开文件x,脚本编写者就不必在意。

    The scriptwriter doesn 't care , as long as openfile ( x ) opens file x.

  14. Microsoft○RActiveServerPages(ASP)是服务器端脚本编写环境,使用它可以创建和运行动态、交互的Web服务器应用程序。

    Microsoft ○ R Active Server Pages ( ASP ) is a server script writing environment , it can creates and runs dynamic , alternating Web server application .

  15. 如果您已经掌握了shell脚本编写,将您的工作与dialog或Zenity结合起来,以增加互操作性。

    If you 've already mastered shell scripting , combine your work with dialog or Zenity to add interactivity .

  16. 这种攻击称为跨站点脚本编写(cross-sitescripting)。

    This attack is known as cross-site scripting .

  17. 可以看出,由于使用了Ajax,视图层的脚本编写量增加了,从而导致三个明显缺陷

    You can see that the amount of scripting code in the view layer increases with the use of Ajax , causing three significant drawbacks

  18. 最初,我们的途径是利用公共SecondLife(SL)网格,该网格易于访问并提供脚本编写和用户内容创建功能,深受广大IBM虚拟空间爱好者的喜爱。

    Our original efforts utilized the public Second Life ( SL ) grid , which is easily accessible and provides scripting and user content creation capabilities enjoyed by many IBM virtual worlds enthusiasts .

  19. Spring可以集成用脚本编写的动态语言bean,这使人们更加喜欢选择Groovy,因为可以在用脚本编写的bean中引入附加的逻辑和灵活性。

    Spring 's ability to integrate scripted dynamic language beans makes Groovy an even more compelling choice because you can introduce additional logic and flexibility in scripted beans .

  20. Jython适用于嵌入式脚本编写、交互式实验和快速应用程序开发。

    Jython is fit for embedded scripting , interactive experimentation , and rapid application development .

  21. XSLT映射编辑器已经进行了更新,提供了很多可用性增强功能,其中尤其值得一提的是经过改进的自定义脚本编写支持。

    The XSLT mapping editor has been updated , bringing many usability enhancements and , in particular , improved custom scripting support .

  22. 阐述了多媒体CAI教学课件的教学特点,并对CAI课件的原理、开发过程、评价方法、方案设计及脚本编写进行了讨论。

    The characteristics of the multimedia computer-aided instruction courseware is stated , and the courseware elements , design course , appraisable means and script of CAI . are discussed .

  23. wsadmin管理脚本编写程序支持两种脚本语言:Jacl和Jython。

    The wsadmin administrative scripting program supports two scripting languages , Jacl and Jython .

  24. 第三种方式,也是最灵活的方式,是混合上述两种方式,使用Lua脚本编写一些动作,而用C代码管理其他部分。

    The third , and most flexible , is to mix and match these approaches , using Lua to script some actions , and code in C to manage others .

  25. 这可以防止查看程序将括号和其他特殊字符按SVG元素处理,并使脚本编写更容易。

    This prevents the viewer from processing brackets and other special characters as SVG elements , and makes it easier for you to write your scripts .

  26. 一些编译器也接受用Hebrew、Cyrillic、Greek或其他脚本编写的包名称,但大多数文件系统并不接受;

    While the compiler accepts package names written in Hebrew , Cyrillic , Greek , and other scripts , many file systems don 't.

  27. 根据脚本编写的方式,生成的HTTP响应可能非常简单,比如只包含几个标准头部和一个文本字符串,该字符串包含给定符号的当前价格。

    Depending on how the script is written , the resulting HTTP response might be as simple as standard headers and a text string containing the current price for the given ticker symbol .

  28. 在这种情况下,功能齐全的脚本编写语言(如Python)可以将烦琐的任务变得更加容易、并且我敢说变得充满乐趣。

    This is where a full-featured scripting language , such as Python , can turn a tedious task into an easy and , dare I say it , fun one .

  29. 介绍了电工学CAI课件设计的主要方法与实现手段,重点叙述了脚本编写方法与外部仿真程序调用。

    The main technology and method are introduced in design of electrotechnics CAI courseware , emphasis of depiction are the method of writing script and how to use the external emulation in a courseware program .

  30. 分析了WINDOWSnt+IIS服务器系统上信息安全的特点,在比较的基础上指出了权限限制、身份验证、脚本编写对于维护NT中ASP安全的重要性及其不同特点。

    Analysis has been made on the characteristics of Windows NT + IIS . The importance and different features of validation of identity and compile of script has been discussed in maintaining NT on the basis of comparision .