
  • 网络Ecological Capacity;ecological carrying capacity
  1. 旅游生态容量问题研究

    Study of tourist ecological capacity

  2. 这就要考虑生态容量扩张问题,当用人工的方法对污染物进行处理时可以扩大生态容量。

    The ecological capacity expansion is necessary to consider , when using artificial method to deal with the pollutions can be expanded the ecological capacity .

  3. 基于非线性动力学模型的旅游生态容量分析

    Analysis of Tourism Ecology Capacity Based on the Nonlinear Dynamic Model

  4. 浅海养殖滤食性贝类生态容量的研究进展

    Progress in studies on ecological carrying capacity of mariculture for filter-feeding shellfish

  5. 必须加强对生态容量的概念、影响因素及其测定和应用的研究,以期促进旅游的可持续发展。

    So it is essential to study the concept of ecological capacity , the controlling factors and its determination & application to promote sustained development of tourism .

  6. 本研究定义养殖生态容量为不显著改变生态系统食物网结构或能流通量时的最大现存量。

    The ECC was defined as the maximum biomass that a specified environment can support without significant change of major energy fluxes or structure of the food web .

  7. 近年来,大量增加的游客给景区的旅游生态容量带来了较大的压力,矛盾日渐突出。

    Rapid increasing tourists in tourism regions have brought the biggest pressure to tourism ecology capacity in recent years , conflicting seriously with our efforts of environmental protection .

  8. 公路生态容量是指在一定时间内路域范围的自然生态环境不致退化的前提下,可以安全承受的公路建设的最大承载力。

    The road ecological capcity is the capacity that the natural ecological environment in the road range may withstand highway construction safely on the understanding that it does not send degenerated .

  9. 改善城市热环境可从城市生态容量控制、植物配置、城市空间规划与控制等方面入手。

    The improvement of the heat environ - ment of cities can be done by controlling the city eco-capacity , configuring the plants , planning and controlling the city space and so on .

  10. 通过公路生态容量分区的研究,提出了公路生态容量分区指标体系,研究了几种主要的公路影响生态环境类型的特点和性质。

    In this paper , by the research of the ecological capacity regionalization for highway , it is put forward to the genre system of ecological environment regionalization for highway , and is researched the characteristic and property that several familiar highways impact on ecological environment .

  11. 这和分别应用营养状态指数(TSI)和生物多样性指数(DI)进行评价的结果相似,表明运用Exergy、结构exergy和生态缓冲容量指标对湖泊生态系统健康状况进行评价的方法是可行的。

    Therefore it is feasible to use exergy , structural exergy and ecological buffer capacity to evaluate the health state of lake ecosystem .

  12. 小城镇规划中的生态环境容量研究

    A study on the ecological environment capacity in small town planning

  13. 陕西省生态人口容量时空差异性分析

    Dynamical and spatial analysis of eco-capacity population in Shaanxi Province

  14. 旅游生态管理容量初探

    Probe into the managerial ecological carrying capacity of Tourism

  15. 诊断出九寨沟旅游生态环境容量充分满足游客需求,但服务设施的不足限制了大量游人的进入。

    According to the analysing results , it is concluded that the capacity of service facilities can not receive more visitors , but the eco-environmental capacity can .

  16. 本文概述了新疆喀纳斯的资源特点,通过对其旅游地生命周期的阶段分析,总结出了处于发展阶段的喀纳斯湖所面临的生态环境容量问题。

    This paper summarizes the resource characteristics of Kanas Lake in Xinjiang , indicates the problems of the ecological environment capacity faced by the developing Kanas Lake .

  17. 它要求生态环境容量和资源承载力的约束条件下,在经济发展过程中,利用尽量少的资源,同时将经济发展对环境的破坏降低到最低限度。

    It requires under the constraints of ecological environment and resources , the industry consume resources as few as possible meanwhile maximally decrease the negative influences to environment .

  18. 公园免费开放后,游客剧增超出了公园的生态承载容量,游客不文明的举动给公园的生态环境带来了破坏。

    After park free opening , the tourist sharp increased has surpassed the park ecology load bearing capacity and the tourist uncivilized action has brought the destruction for the park ecological environment .

  19. 功能分区、生态旅游容量确定、生态旅游项目规划、解说教育系统规划、生态化旅游基础设施规划、社区参与规划是自然保护区生态旅游规划的关键内容。

    It is thought that the key points of planning for ecotourism in nature reserves consist of functional zonation , ecotourism capacity definition , ecotourism items , explanation and education system , ecological tourism facilities and local involvement .

  20. 虽然科学地界定旅游区生态环境容量,并给予严格的实施可以缓解此类矛盾,但是我们在倡导维护生态旅游区的可持续发展,不能忽视当地居民的经济利益和游客的旅游愿望。

    Although scientific definition the capacity of ecotourism environment and strictly implementation with enforcement such conflicts can be mitigated , when we advocate for the maintenance of the sustainable development in ecotourism area , the economic interests of local residents and tourists ' desire should not be ignored .

  21. 山口红树林保护区生态旅游环境容量的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the ecotourism carrying capacity of Shankou mangrove reserve

  22. 世界柏树王园林生态旅游环境容量测定

    Evaluation on Eco-tourism Environmental Capacity of the World Cypress King Park

  23. 进行民族文化生态旅游环境容量测算;

    Figuring out the environmental capacity for minority eco-culture tourism ;

  24. 浅海鱼类网箱养殖的关键生态过程及容量评价

    Carrying Capacity Assessment & Key Ecological Process of Cage Aquaculture in Shallow Sea

  25. 文章探讨了有关生态旅游环境容量测算的问题。

    The paper talks about how to measure the environmental capacity of eco-tourism .

  26. 张家界森林公园生态旅游环境容量分析

    On Environmental Capacity for Eco-tourism in Zhangjiajie Forest Park

  27. 在对螺髻山自然保护区生态旅游环境容量进行定量分析后,提出了在开发中的生态环境保护建设规划。

    After the quantitative analysis of environment capacity for ecotourism , this paper puts forward the planning of the environment protected mode .

  28. 村寨分布的密度、间距和规模与自然生态环境的容量相适应。

    These villages are laid out with proper density , distance and scale in harmony with the capacity of the natural ecological environment .

  29. 生态旅游环境容量是随着生态旅游活动的开展而发展起来的,是对旅游景区的生态环境实施积极保护的一种管理手段。

    Environmental capacity of eco-tourism is developing with eco-tourism activities . It is a management tool to protect ecological environment of tourist areas .

  30. 认为山地生态系统入口容量是在综合考虑人所在的生态系统总体结构及人的生活水平条件下,利于整个山地生态系统可持续发展的合适的人口数量。具有动态性和区域分异性;

    It is the appropriate amount of population in favor of the mountain ecosystem 's sustainable development , the structure of the human 's ecosystem and human 's standard of living being considered .