
  1. 类比推理与民间规范:类比推理生活原型的分析

    Analogism and Folk Regulations : An Analysis of Primitive Models of Life of Analogism

  2. 模仿生活原型法;

    Imitating life - prototype method ;

  3. 改造生活原型法。

    Transforming life-proto - type method .

  4. 在尊重生活原型的基础上培养自己独特的眼光和感受,真正达到艺术的真实。

    Respect for life based on the prototype develop their own unique vision and experience , the real true art .

  5. 小说的对应原则基本是将生活原型平移到小说中。

    The principle of correspondence formed basically by that the personages in the novel were moved from their prototypes in life .

  6. 此外,电视节目中有好看的画面和逼真的动画,里面用怪模怪样的男女老少作为生活原型。

    Besides this , TV programs have beautiful pictures and vivid animation full of twisted men , women and children as primitive models in life .

  7. 《红楼梦》中人物原型考索&兼说小说人物与生活原型的对应原则

    Check Back the prototypes of the Characters in A Dream of Red Mansions & Also on the Principle of Correspondence of Both Personages in A Society And A Novel

  8. 从弗罗斯特的两首名诗&《家葬》、《未选择之路》可探索其自传主题诗,发掘其诗歌创作的生活原型。

    We can analyze his poems of autobiography theme with case study of Home Burial and The Road Not Taken , so as to explore the life prototype of his poems .

  9. 话剧与戏曲分别以近似生活原型的白话形态和以程式化为特征的曲的体式而体现出两者求真与求乐的审美差异。

    Drama and Traditional Chinese opera embody aesthetic difference between seeking natural and seeking happy by the form of colloquialism near to life prototype and by the whole model of song distinguished itself by modality .

  10. 就其本质而论,犯罪构成是一个源于生活原型,又高于生活原型,由刑法规范拟制的模型。

    As regards its essence , constitutive elements of crime are that one comes from life prototype , higher than the life prototype again , standard plan " model " that is made by criminal law .

  11. 《白鹿原》中的叙述隐约地暗示,其主人公白嘉轩与《创业史》中的姚士杰是基于同一个生活原型。

    The narrative in % White Deer Field % indicates that its hero Bai Jiaxuan and that in % The History of Creating A Career % , Yao Shijie are based on the same model in life .

  12. 制度经济学的主要特点在于它的理论正对着一定的生活原型,侧重于现实生活实际样态的分析。

    As we all know , what characterized the Institutional Economics is its particular theories , which is not only the exact reflections of life model , but also focus on the positive analysis towards our practical life .

  13. 实际上,刑法所建构的犯罪识别模型(犯罪构成)虽然来源于生活原型,但由于人为概念系统固有的拟制功能,法律规定往往高于生活事实本身。

    Indeed , the offense identity model ( constitution of offences ) described in the Criminal Act derives from daily life ( prototype ), but tends to overstep real life because of the imitative function of the manual concept system .

  14. 第二,本文使用学者罗纪宁的生活形态心理原型量表以及自编的汽车消费态度量表组成广东消费者对汽车的消费态度问卷调查。

    Second , a questionnaire survey was carried out , which contains automobile consumption attitude scale and lifestyle scale in Guangdong province .

  15. 秦氏是贾珍儿子贾蓉的年轻媳妇,她的故事显然是作者生活中有原型可依的。

    Qin-shi , the little wife of Cousin Zhen 's son Jai Rong , is apparently a character modeled on a real person .

  16. 幸运的是,现实生活中他的原型(爱德华四世)并没有遭受这一磨难,而对他叛逆的处罚,据说也只是被淹死在酒桶里……

    All gone.Fortunately , his real life counterpart didn 't have endure that and was merely drowned in wine as punishment for his treason ..

  17. 人们在实际生活中总是以原型概念和基本层概念为认知参照点去认识范畴中的其余成员,以此简化认知过程。

    In this sense , people always tend to take the prototypical concepts and the basic level concepts as their referent points .

  18. 这不的艺术处理确又真真切切从现实生活中来,都有生活中的原型。

    This very the art of the view is invented from realistic living , the prototype that all have the life the inside .