
  1. 岩石边坡生态种植基强度的正交试验

    Orthogonal test on strength of planting material for rock slope

  2. 主要试验模式:“林&粮食、饲料”生态种植模式;

    The main experimental patterns were following : forest-crop-fodder ecology planting model ;

  3. 生态种植模式;绿色建筑材料。

    Ecological planting mode and Green construction materials mode .

  4. 双孢蘑菇西瓜水稻高效生态种植模式研究

    Studies on Agaricus bisporus-Watermelon-Rice Planting Pattern and Cultivation Techniques

  5. 岩石边坡生态种植基试验研究

    Testing Study on planting material for rock slope

  6. 辣木高端产业化种植及深加工综合开发生态种植基地项目建设可行。

    Moringa oleifera high-end industrialization planting and deep processing comprehensive development ecological planting base construction project is feasible .

  7. 生态种植模式强调生态设计的方法,绿色建筑材料提倡用新型材料和材料重复循环利用以减少环境污染。

    Ecological planting mode emphasizes design with ecology . The Green construction materials mode promotes to use new materials and recycling and to reduce environment pollution .

  8. 相同空隙率时,而透水系数越高,表明生态种植型混凝土的连通性越好。

    Relation of permeability coefficient and porosity also is the logarithmic relationship , with the same pore ratio , permeability coefficient is taller , shows that the ecological planting concrete has better connectivity .

  9. 以生态种植养殖为基础,大力发展鲜桃采摘生态旅游,取得了良好的经济、环保和社会效益,为京郊农村的经济发展提供了一种可借鉴的思路。

    With the foundation of planting and breeding , the development of eco-tour of the fresh peaches picking has obtained remarkable economic , social and ecological benefits , which has provided a reference for the development of rural economy .

  10. 在有植被成活条件的区域,特别是地下水丰富的沙漠区,发展沙漠生态种植区,种植沙生植物,栽种沙柳、沙棘、沙枣、花棒、柠条等,保护和建设沙漠生态。

    Survival conditions in a region of vegetation , especially water-rich desert area , the development of the desert eco-growing areas , cultivation of desert plants , planting Salix , Hippophae rhamnoides , Elaeagnus , scoparium , Caragana , etc. , protection and construction of the desert ecology .

  11. 抗草甘膦转基因大豆(RRS)在黑土生态系统种植的安全性研究

    Biosafety of Roundup Ready Soybean ( RRS ) Planted in Black Soil Ecosystem

  12. 生态河道种植圈对水流水力特性的影响

    Influences of cropping loops in ecological river on hydraulic behavior of flow

  13. 酒庄以生态科学种植葡萄,并且手工采摘晚收型葡萄。

    The winery uses ecological methods and harvests the grapes late and by hand .

  14. 湖北主要粮食作物生态适宜种植区限研究

    Research on the ecological cultivable areal limits of the staple grain crops in Hubei Province

  15. 能源系统生态工程种植业种群时空结构优化模型

    A Optimal Model on Planting Struct of Stock and Space-Time in Ecology Projet of Energy Sysetem

  16. 云南罗望子野生资源调查及生态适宜种植区划探讨

    Investigation on wild resource of tamarind and discussion on suitable planting division of zoology in Yunnan

  17. 指出超级稻品种有其适宜的种植区域,在不同生态区域种植的超级稻产量表现不同。

    Super rice has the optimum ecological area of high yielding cultivation and the different yield appearance in different growing regions .

  18. 同一品种在不同生态棉区种植生育期的变化表现为,北疆自育早熟品种在黄淮海棉区种植生育期缩短8~18天,黄淮海棉区的中早熟品种在新疆棉区种植生育期增长20~27天。

    The change of development stage for the same varieties in different ecological cotton region showed that the development stage in Hebei cotton region was shorted 8 - 18 days and longed 20 - 27 days in Xinjiang cotton region .

  19. 广适性玉米杂交种的主要特点是产量水平高且稳产性好、年际间变化小,适宜种植区域广、年种植面积大、甚至能够跨生态区种植。

    ABSTRACT The main characteristics of maize hybrids with wide adaptability is of high and stable yield , small changes between years , extensive areas suitable for planting , planting large area yearly , even to be able to grow across ecological zones .

  20. 本文利用调研数据进行分析,结果显示,参与纵向整合能够显著的改变茶叶种植者的茶园种植方式,由常规茶园种植向生态茶园种植转变,进而鲜叶的品质能够得到明显提升。

    Through the analysis of survey data , this article shows that involvement in vertical integration can significantly change the tea cultivation methods , which changes from conventional tea garden planting to the ecological tea garden planting , and thus the quality of the fresh leaves can be improved significantly .

  21. 但是种植转基因作物的影响很大程度上依情况而定:比如AndhraPradesh的生态环境和种植方式和赞比亚非常不同。

    But the consequences of cultivating a GM crop depend heavily on context : the ecology and farming practices of Andhra Pradesh are very different from those of , say , Zambia .

  22. 用ICP-AES方法测定了新平县相同生态条件下种植的653份云南稻资源糙米8种矿质元素含量,并按丁颖的栽培稻生态型对其遗传多样性进行了研究。

    Genetic diversity of rice according to Ding 's taxonomic ecotypes in Yunnan of Southwest China were investigated based on eight mineral concentrations of brown rice , using 653 accessions harvested from Xingping experiment farm under the uniform ecological conditions by ICP-AES method .

  23. 辽宁省作物生态区划及种植业结构调整的研究

    Study on Crop Ecological Division and Planting Structure Adjustment in Liaoning Province

  24. 菜园土壤的理化性质和微生物生态特征与种植年限的关系

    Relationship between chemo-physical , microbial ecological properties of vegetable soils and cultivation age

  25. 陇东南葡萄生态气候及种植风险决策

    Research on Eco - climate and Planting Risk of Grape in Southeastern Gansu Province

  26. 我国生态农业主要种植模式及其持续发展的生态学原理

    The main patterns of ecological agriculture in China and the ecology principles of their sustainable development

  27. 所以我今年也计划搞樱花苗木嫁接,搞个真正的生态农场,种植加养殖。

    So I 'm planning to build a Eco-Farm , planting CherryBlossom saplings and feeding chickens .

  28. 土壤质地类型、农业生态区及种植制度不同,土壤速效钾含量下降不同。

    It differed with soil types , soils in different agro ecological areas and soils in different crop rotation system .

  29. 首先简要介绍了浦城油茶的基本情况,主要是浦城油茶的种植历史,生态特性和种植技术。

    Briefly introduces the basic situation of Pucheng Camellia oleifera mainly Pucheng Camellia oleifera cultivation history , ecological characteristics and cultivation technology of .

  30. 根据山西省的自然生态和小麦种植特点,研究开发出山西省小麦专家系统。

    According to the characteristics of natural ecology and wheat production in Shanxi Province , the Shanxi Wheat Expert System ( SXWES ) has been developed .