
rèn wéi
  • think;consider;take for;of the opinion that;deem;hold;assume;perceive;in the belief that;acknowledge;reckon;imagine;opine;repute;esteem
认为 [rèn wéi]
  • (1) [think]∶把看作;把当作

  • 认为提一提建议也没什么不对的地方

  • (2) [deem]∶指经过考虑的、明智的判断

  • 我认为他适合担任公司经理

  • (3) [opine]∶对发表正式的意见

  • 认为天气会好起来

  • (4) [acknowledge]∶用文字或行动表示对[一个事实或真相]已经知道了并且同意了

  • 一般认为出发点是好的

认为[rèn wéi]
  1. 我认为他一定是疯了,你说是不是?

    I think he must be cracked , don 't you ?

  2. 他们到底认为自己在做什么?

    What in the world did they think they were doing ?

  3. 公司认为该项投资是财政上的一个大黑洞。

    The company viewed the venture as a financial black hole .

  4. 节目里使用了某些观众可能认为是犯忌的语言。

    The programme contains language which some viewers may find offensive .

  5. 警方认为他的妻子是不可能下毒的。

    Police believe his wife could not have administered the poison .

  6. 我们认为,明智的做法是等待。

    We figured the sensible thing to do was to wait .

  7. 她不理会有关她辞职的报道,认为那不过是报纸的谣言。

    She dismissed the stories of her resignation as newspaper talk .

  8. 你不会认为我会下作到那种地步吧!

    You surely don 't think I 'd stoop to that !

  9. 哦,真滑稽!你认为我相信那个吗?

    Oh very funny ! You expect me to believe that ?

  10. 你认为他可能会独行其是吗?

    What 's the betting that he gets his own way ?

  11. 她认为不能惯着孩子们要什么就给什么。

    She did not believe in indulging the children with presents .

  12. 她认为有充分的理由要求退款。

    She felt fully justified in asking for her money back .

  13. 她认为自己很幸运,仍有一份工作。

    She counted herself lucky that she still had a job .

  14. 小姐,我认为你应该向我道歉!

    I think you owe me an apology , young lady !

  15. 被告律师认为这一证据不可采纳。

    Counsel for the defence submitted that the evidence was inadmissible .

  16. 认为另有一个平行宇宙的概念是很难理解的。

    The idea of a parallel universe is hard to grasp .

  17. 这次巡回演出被认为是大获成功。

    The tour was judged to have been a great success .

  18. 通常认为,阿拉伯人发明了蒸馏法。

    The Arabs are usually accredited with the discovery of distillation .

  19. 两个国家都认为对这些岛屿拥有主权。

    Both countries feel they have territorial claims to the islands .

  20. 维多利亚时代的人认为铁路带来了进步和文明。

    The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civilization .

  21. 他有一些政界关系,所以自认为谁也管不了他。

    Given his political connections , he thought he was untouchable .

  22. 你认为他们会爽快同意我们的提议吗?

    Do you think they will be agreeable to our proposal ?

  23. 我们认为已经发现了市场上一个尚待填补的空白。

    We think we 've identified a gap in the market .

  24. 我们认为那帮匪徒躲藏在山里。

    We believe the gang are holed up in the mountains .

  25. 她自认为人生没有价值。

    She had persuaded herself that life was not worth living .

  26. 你认为最近这些变化有什么作用吗?

    Do you think these latest changes will do any good ?

  27. 我们认为,这项协定是向前迈出了重要的一步。

    We consider this agreement to be an important step forward .

  28. 她认为自己的能力很差。

    She has a very low opinion of her own abilities .

  29. 他们认为他们的领导人以牺牲他们的自由做了交易。

    They felt that their leaders had bargained away their freedom .

  30. 我认为你今天来这里不完全是碰巧。

    I suppose your presence here today is not entirely coincidental .