
  • 网络ecological theology;eco-theology;Theology of Ecology
  1. 但是,生态神学思想并不是从六十年代才刚刚出现,也并不是只存在于神学领域。

    However , the concept of Ecological Theology did not emerge in the 1960s ; neither did it only exist in the realm of Theology .

  2. 同时,这些着眼于对新大陆赞颂的生态描写与清教神学思想相结合,积极参与美国国家意识的构建,成为日后美国国家意识的滥觞。

    At the same time , these positive ecological descriptions pave the way for the establishment of the American national consciousness .

  3. 从文学角度看道家审美文化的生态价值&兼论其与基督教生态神学的对话空间

    The Ecologic Value of Taoist Aesthetic Culture Viewed from Literature & On the Space of Discourse with Christian Ecologic Theology

  4. 面对生态危机,生态神学家又开始重新阅读经典教义,从中发现生态意蕴,并且努力建构新的生态神学,这将有助于改善人与自然的关系。

    Facing the ecosystem crisis , people start re-reading the classic doctrine , discover the ecosystem ideas from it , and work hard to construct or purchase the new ecosystem theology , which will help to improve the relationship between human and nature .