
  • 网络Reproductive health;sexual and reproductive health
  1. 维生素E是一种重要的抗氧化剂中央的总体生殖健康和健康。

    Vitamin E is an important antioxidant central to overall reproductive health and wellness .

  2. 探讨了炔诺孕酮避孕药(18甲,NG)制药工人在长期接触NG药尘的生产环境中对生殖健康的影响。

    We study the effect on reproductive health of workers exposed to NG dust for a long time .

  3. 采用Frameworkapproach的五步法分析外来未婚流动人口生殖健康行为影响因素的定性研究资料。

    Framework approach was used to analyze the qualitative data related to RH behavior among unmarried female migrants . 2 .

  4. 人口院校学生生殖健康暨艾滋病问题的KAP研究

    The KAP Research about the AIDS Knowledge Questionnaire From Students in Population Colleges

  5. 流动人口相关生殖健康服务及保障措施的公平性有待加强。建议大力开展对医务人员降低HIV/AIDS相关的偏见与歧视的干预;

    Health equity in healthcare services for mobile population is to be promoted . Suggestions Implement the intervention of decreasing HIV / AIDS stigma and discrimination in the health care services .

  6. 本文仅探讨该项目使用定性研究方法,在生殖健康宣传教育材料(IEC)的开发、制作和应用中的经验和体会。

    This paper only discusses the experiences of development of information , education and communication ( IEC ) by the qualitative research method .

  7. 医科大学新生生殖健康问题的KAP研究&艾滋病知识、态度的调查及启示

    KAP study on reproductive health among medical freshmen : a survey of AIDS related knowledge and attitudes and their implications

  8. 目的:了解未婚女青少年对性和生殖健康知识、态度、行为(KAP)和生殖健康保健的需求。

    Objective : To investigate the needs for sex and knowledge , attitude and practice ( KAP ) and reproductive healthcare .

  9. 方法利用2004年流动人口性与生殖健康基线调查数据,对中国已婚流动人口性生活频度进行单因素ANOVA和多元线性回归分析。

    Methods The data were from the " Sex and Reproductive Health Baseline Survey among Floating People " . One-way ANOVA analysis and Liner analysis methods were used .

  10. 该服务管理平台的实现,不仅为生殖健康公共服务平台中的所有服务组件提供管理工具,也为其他基于SOA架构的系统提供通用的管理平台。

    The achieve of the service management platform , not only provide management tools for all the service components in reproductive health public service platform , but also provides a common management platform for other systems based on SOA architecture .

  11. 目的了解性病门诊女性STD病人现患及行为特征,为防制性病,保护女性生殖健康提供依据。

    Objective To find out the prevalence and behavior feature of STD female patients in STD out-patient clinic . Evidences for prevention and control of STD as well as that for protection of female reproduction health are provided .

  12. 非洲一些发展中国家将AIDS/STD预防与现存的计划生育服务结合,对促进妇女生殖健康、控制AIDS/STD在妇女人群中流行产生了积极的效果。

    Experiences from some developing countries in Africa have shown that it is effective , feasible and higher cost-effective to integrate AIDS / STD prevention service into the family planning program for promoting reproductive health and control of AIDS epidemic in women .

  13. 我们推测胎盘滋养细胞可能是邻苯二甲酸酯重要的靶细胞,从DEHP作用后滋养细胞相关生物学功能的改变入手,就有可能抓住DEHP影响生殖健康的主要环节。

    We presume that trophoblast cells are probably the target cells of DEHP . From the change in biological function of trophoblast cells after DEHP treating , we can find the effects of DEHP on health .

  14. 这是一项前瞻性非随机性社区干预试验,旨在测试社区的生殖健康代理(CBRHAs)提供的避孕针剂。

    This was a prospective non-randomized community intervention trial designed to test the provision of injectable contraceptives by community-based reproductive health agents ( CBRHAs ) .

  15. 因而推测,CS2可能通过影响下丘脑、垂体、睾丸中NOS的活性来影响NO的分泌,进而导致HPGA分泌功能紊乱,最终影响雄性生殖健康。

    Therefore , we speculated that CS2 may influence the secretion of NO by affecting the NOS activities in the hypothalamus , pituitary and testis , and then lead to changes in HPGA secretion , ultimately affect the male reproductive health .

  16. 非洲艾滋病的女性化可能是如博茨瓦纳那样将艾滋病项目与性健康和生殖健康项目组合实施的唯一最重要的原因,Lule说。

    The feminization of the epidemic in Africa may be the single most important reason to link HIV / AIDS and sexual and reproductive health programs , as Botswana is doing , says Lule .

  17. 关注男性生殖健康发展生殖保健服务

    Attention to Male Reproductive Health and Developing Reproductive Health Care Service

  18. 纺织女工生殖健康状况的流行病学研究

    Epidemiological study on the reproductive health status in textile female workers

  19. 因此,大学生需要更为长期的、持续的避孕节育与生殖健康干预。

    Therefore , college students need more long-term reproductive health interventions .

  20. 江苏省青少年生殖健康项目家长问卷分析报告

    Survey Report on Reproductive Health Project among Youths in Jiangsu Province

  21. 1776例拟婚女性生殖健康状况分析

    Analysis on status of reproductive health of 1 776 unmarried females

  22. 青少年性和生殖健康及权利加勒比青年首脑会议

    Caribbean Youth Summit on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

  23. 青少年生殖健康现状及服务利用状况调查

    Investigation on adolescent reproductive health status and service in Hubei province

  24. 男性应当在维护与促进生殖健康中承担更大的责任

    Men should take more resposibility for upholding and promoting reproductive health

  25. 洛阳市中老年男性生殖健康状况初步调查

    Primary investigation of reproductive health of middle aged male in Luoyang

  26. 大学生生殖健康教育与服务需求情况的调查研究

    Survey on reproductive health education and service demands of college students

  27. 丙烯腈对男工生殖健康影响的流行病学研究

    Effect of Acrylonitrile on Male Reproductive Health Among Occupationally Exposed Workers

  28. 安徽省某县农村妇女生殖健康服务现况调查

    Survey on Reproductive Health Service in Rural Area , Anhui Province

  29. 生殖健康专家咨询系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of the Expert Consultation System of Reproduction Health

  30. 最希望的生殖健康教育方式是讲座形式。

    The most hoped reproductive health education mode was the lectures .